WARLORD Bolt Action Neuerscheinungen / New Stuff

  • Ich habe das mit einem Kollegen Probiert, also als Tabletop. Ganz ehrlich gesagt fanden wir es echt fad, wenn das in der PC Umsetzung auch so wird wäre ich vorsichtig. Sorry ich wollte jetzt keinem die Vorfreude nehmen, aber überzeugend ist meiner Meinung nach wirklich anders...

  • embeddable_779c65a0-e853-4034-977f-d3b80ea4b29c.png

    New Troops March onto the Table!

    Following the Launch of Epic Battles, American Civil War, we received buckets of feedback that have driven the next few units we've pushed through studio and design!

    Today we're putting up three new boxes on pre-order and showing off a special bundle pre-order treat!


    We know you wanted them - So after the feedback following what was available at launch we immediately started work on mounted units, Iron Brigade and Zouave regiments! - We have loads more to come, such as horse drawn limbers, dismounted scout troops and more - but, we're working hard to have these available very shortly after the Epic American Civil War boxes ship!

    More Epic American Civil War Pre-Orders!


    Zouave Regiments

    Arguably the most colourful additions to the Civil War, Zouave Regiments make interesting additions to your collection.

    Grab some suave  looking Zouaves

    Cavalry Brigade

    Cavalry played a pivotal role in all conflicts up to and including the American Civil War, however it is fair to say that the use of cavalry was forever changed during the War.

    Pony Up!

    The Iron Brigade

    Fantastically sculpted and beautifully easy to assemble miniatures in epic battle scale! The Iron Brigade (or the Black Hats) was one of the great fighting units of the Union Army!

    Exchange Copper for Iron

    Zouave, Cavalry & Iron Brigade!

    You asked - we stood and delivered! - Although we have been a little quiet on the ACW front, we assure you, design, studio and production have been all hands on deck focusing on making the Black Powder - Epic Battles American Civil War range the best it can be - so heads have been down and overtimes have been worked to bring this latest wave of pre-orders - available individually or as always in a special deal bundle.

    Exclusive to the Union and Confederate Bundle Deals - Black Powder Epic American Civil War Casualty Markers!


    Three Boxes and Casualty Markers!

    Order Here

    Three Boxes and Casualty Markers!

    Order Here

    Bundle Exclusive Casualty Markers

    We've been working on these for some time now - due to be released in future as an essential game asset for marking injuries taken by Brigades/Regiments we wanted to spice up the offering this time around, by putting our nose to the grindstone and getting out as many of these sets as possible to be thrown into the Union and Confederate bundles - we know these are sets for the true collectors and completionists, so we wanted to give something useful that you'd want as a thank you for loving our games enough to keep on pre-ordering! - So early access and completely free added to your order!

    Speaking of Shipping the American Civil War Sets....


    We know many of you will be very excited to see that the last components required for the full starter set pre-orders have made their way into the warehouse and our teams are diligently building, packing and checking boxes around the clock, ready to book them in for dispatch - the second we know more information about them being prepped to leave the warehouse, we will let you know!

    Browse the Epic ACW Range

    Exclusive First look!

    US D-Day Campaign Book Coming Soon!

    The Final book in the Campaign D-Day books featuring rules and army lists for The US Rangers, Airborne, Fallschirmjager and Waffen-SS has been written - the Ltd edition book miniature sculpted and we're working on the finishing touches to it as we speak... stay tuned.... we hope to have more information on the campaign book this weekend.


    We've still got a handful of Mystery boxes floating around after the second batch were put together!

    Now, if we have any left, guess who is gonna have to go take them apart and put everything back on the shelves.

    ...Yeah? No - Not Me!

    Probably someone like Mirella, and we don't want that, she literally packs everything I've ever ordered myself and it's always perfect.

    She deserves a break.

    Buy a Mystery Box, So Mirella doesn't have to put the stuff back on the shelves.

    Don't Miss These Exciting Pre-Orders


    British & Canadian Infantry

    The new plastic kit for the British and Canadians is fantastically detailed and allows for myriad customization options.

    Order Here

    Epic Battles: American Civil War

    We're creeping ever closer to the highly-anticipated release of our Epic Battles system. Massive Armies - regular tables!

    Order Here

    Soviet Infantry Squads

    Three new box sets, all suitable as defenders of Stalingrad, bolster the options of Soviet Bolt Action players: NKVD squads, Soviet Airborne, and Anti-tank Teams.

    Order Here

    Regia Marina Fleet

    The Italian Regia Marina will be the fifth fleet to sail into Victory at Sea, with a starter fleet box, battleship Vittorio Veneto, and Subs & MTBs available. Don't forget to check out the great value "All-in" Pre-order bundle!

    Order Here

    Max & Marcus' Musings.

    Did you catch the regular Monday evening Warlord Games Twitch Stream? Fear not if you missed it, as the full video is now available on YouTube. This week, Max and Marcus discussed the Normandy Front in preparation for a game next week. Marcus plots how to get a heavy tank in a small list, and Max has the revolutionary idea that Machine guns might have a use on a battlefield! They also talk the most recent Bolt Action FAQ.

    Watch Here

    You've probably heard the news by now about our exciting partnership Kickstarter with Diecast Digital – the Blood Red Skies digital edition.

    But what is a Kickstarter?

    Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. Everything from film, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative projects that are brought to life through the direct support of others.

    Every project creator sets their project's funding goal and deadline.

    If people like the project, they can pledge money to make it happen.

    On Feb 21st, we announced Blood Red Skies Digital Edition, a WW2 action-packed aerial combat strategy title for PC based on the tabletop game by Andy Chambers of Warhammer 40k / Battlefleet Gothic fame.

    DieCast Digital is Kickstarting a digital edition of the Warlord Games tabletop miniature game Blood Red Skies. In it, you command a squadron of Second World War aircraft as they engage in tense tactical aerial engagements with up to 18 aircraft per side.

    But that's not all! Playable in single-player against a cunning AI, or head-to-head online, the game features an engaging combination of unit level strategy and action card play.

    The title faithfully captures the true cut WW2 aerial combat.

    Need something more to whet your appetite for some WWII inspired video content?

    Check out the Kickstarter!
    Watch the Gameplay Video

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

  • embeddable_614f1d54-0bd9-422d-bf48-45f63f4f5b1a.png
    Introducing new ways to control how you use your rewards!
    When picking up your hobby goodies with us, if you have an account, you may have noticed that we award "Medals" to you, each time you purchase something.

    These medals are our way of saying "thanks" for being a loyal customer and allow you to get a little off your hobby goodies next time you shop.

    With the recent removal of Limited Edition Figures from our books and certain sets, we were really sad that a huge amount of really cool sculpts that our artists worked so hard on were no longer going to be seen by you guys - after all, at the heart of it, we just want to share our stuff with everyone who loves playing with it, as much as we do!

    Now, the whole point of adding a limited edition miniature to a pre-order, or book order is to reward those super loyal fans of ours, who believe in us and love our stuff so so much and make that extra commitment, to pre-order.

    We always want to reward people for pre-orders, with something a little extra special, but we also hear that it's kind of a shame to never be able to get your
    hands on a once in a life-time mini because you maybe had to miss out on a pre-order period for some reason or another or you only got into the hobby last week!

    So - here's our half-way happy!

    If you've got enough medals to shop in the medal store - you can treat yourself to something that you might have missed out on before!

    Go take a look, but be sure to check back regularly as we update the offerings - But, remember, stock is very limited on these limited edition casts - as they are of-course Limited Editions
    Check out the first 9 minis added to the store this weekend!
    Quick Medals Store FAQ/Information

    1. Rewards must be added to a shopping cart with at least one other item for purchase - you can't just buy a reward on it's own.
    (We're looking into this as an option asap, but you'd still have to pay postage on a single item)

    2. Items in the medals store are LIMITED - there is a note of the stock next to the item, many of these are down to the last 20 or so, already. These will be re-cast in the coming months, but I have not set plan as to when.

    3. New items will be added and we will update you when they are! If you really want to see a LTD figure return to the store - let us know via Facebook or Instagram! We listen to and read all your feedback (good and bad)

    What's that? You just don't have quite enough medals yet?

    Well, if you need to top up your Medals - which I thought you might!

    This weekend all medals rewards for purchases are doubled!

    Ka-Ching! (or is it Cha-Ching?) I don't know... is it a cash-register noise, or the noise coins make when you do stuff with them?

    Answers on a postcard.


    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

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    Third and Final D-Day Book Release!

    Yes! This weekend we're putting the third and final instalment of our D-Day campaign books up for pre-order!

    We know a lot of you have been chomping at us to get new lists out for the US Sectors involved in the historical D-Day landings, so this book will focus solidly on that, with lists for the US Rangers, US Airborne as well as Waffen-SS and Fallschimrjager.

    Get an exclusive early look at the new Campaign Book in our blog here

    The D-Day Trilogy!

    Keen Librarian? You can always grab All three as a bundle and get the thee limited edition book miniatures bundled in with them during the pre-order period!



    Make sure you've got enough troops to support your latest lists!


    Another Box Added to the SPQR Redemption Scheme!

    We're working our way through all the Romans and Gauls right now!

    In an effort to ensure you can start building and playing as fast as possible, we've turned our focus to getting updated cards into as many boxes as possible, which means as we get them done and back from the printers, we will let you know!

    As we're all done with the Legionaries, we've decided to also add the Gladius/Sling option, to the redemption scheme!

    Learn more about the redemption scheme

    Epic American Civil War Pre-Orders Are going Incredibly!


    Cavalry Brigades, Iron Brigade and Zouave regiments are storming the warehouse soon!


    Zouave Regiments

    Arguably the most colourful additions to the Civil War, Zouave Regiments make interesting additions to your collection.

    Grab some suave  looking Zouaves

    Cavalry Brigade

    Cavalry played a pivotal role in all conflicts up to and including the American Civil War, however it is fair to say that the use of cavalry was forever changed during the War.

    Pony Up!

    The Iron Brigade

    Fantastically sculpted and beautifully easy to assemble miniatures in epic battle scale! The Iron Brigade (or the Black Hats) was one of the great fighting units of the Union Army!

    Exchange Copper for Iron

    Zouave, Cavalry & Iron Brigade!

    You asked - we stood and delivered! - Although we have been a little quiet on the ACW front, we assure you, design, studio and production have been all hands on deck focusing on making the Black Powder - Epic Battles American Civil War range the best it can be - so heads have been down and overtimes have been worked to bring this latest wave of pre-orders - available individually or as always in a special deal bundle.

    Grabbing them all?
    Then go straight to the bundles and get a set of exclusive American Civil War Casualty Markers!


    Three Boxes and Casualty Markers!

    Order Here

    Three Boxes and Casualty Markers!

    Order Here

    Bundle Exclusive Casualty Markers

    We've been working on these for some time now - due to be released in future as an essential game asset for marking injuries taken by Brigades/Regiments we wanted to spice up the offering this time around, by putting our nose to the grindstone and getting out as many of these sets as possible to be thrown into the Union and Confederate bundles - we know these are sets for the true collectors and completionists, so we wanted to give something useful that you'd want as a thank you for loving our games enough to keep on pre-ordering! - So early access and completely free added to your order!

    Speaking of Shipping the American Civil War Sets....


    We know many of you will be very excited to see that the last components required for the full starter set pre-orders have made their way into the warehouse and our teams are diligently building, packing and checking boxes around the clock, ready to book them in for dispatch - the second we know more information about them being prepped to leave the warehouse, we will let you know!

    Browse the Epic ACW Range

    We've still got a handful of Mystery boxes floating around after the second batch were put together!

    Now, if we have any left, guess who is gonna have to go take them apart and put everything back on the shelves.

    ...Yeah? No - Not Me!

    Probably someone like Mirella, and we don't want that, she literally packs everything I've ever ordered myself and it's always perfect.

    She deserves a break.

    Buy a Mystery Box, So Mirella doesn't have to put the stuff back on the shelves.

    Don't Miss These Exciting Pre-Orders


    British & Canadian Infantry

    The new plastic kit for the British and Canadians is fantastically detailed and allows for myriad customization options.

    Order Here

    Epic Battles: American Civil War

    We're creeping ever closer to the highly-anticipated release of our Epic Battles system. Massive Armies - regular tables!

    Order Here

    Soviet Infantry Squads

    Three new box sets, all suitable as defenders of Stalingrad, bolster the options of Soviet Bolt Action players: NKVD squads, Soviet Airborne, and Anti-tank Teams.

    Order Here

    Regia Marina Fleet

    The Italian Regia Marina will be the fifth fleet to sail into Victory at Sea, with a starter fleet box, battleship Vittorio Veneto, and Subs & MTBs available. Don't forget to check out the great value "All-in" Pre-order bundle!

    Order Here

    Max & Marcus' Musings.

    Did you catch the regular Monday evening Warlord Games Twitch Stream? Fear not if you missed it, as the full video is now available on YouTube. This week, Max and Marcus discussed the Normandy Front in preparation for a game next week. Marcus plots how to get a heavy tank in a small list, and Max has the revolutionary idea that Machine guns might have a use on a battlefield! They also talk the most recent Bolt Action FAQ.

    Watch Here

    You've probably heard the news by now about our exciting partnership Kickstarter with Diecast Digital – the Blood Red Skies digital edition.

    But what is a Kickstarter?

    Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. Everything from film, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative projects that are brought to life through the direct support of others.

    Every project creator sets their project's funding goal and deadline.

    If people like the project, they can pledge money to make it happen.

    On Feb 21st, we announced Blood Red Skies Digital Edition, a WW2 action-packed aerial combat strategy title for PC based on the tabletop game by Andy Chambers of Warhammer 40k / Battlefleet Gothic fame.

    DieCast Digital is Kickstarting a digital edition of the Warlord Games tabletop miniature game Blood Red Skies. In it, you command a squadron of Second World War aircraft as they engage in tense tactical aerial engagements with up to 18 aircraft per side.

    But that's not all! Playable in single-player against a cunning AI, or head-to-head online, the game features an engaging combination of unit level strategy and action card play.

    The title faithfully captures the true cut WW2 aerial combat.

    Need something more to whet your appetite for some WWII inspired video content?

    Check out the Kickstarter!
    Watch the Gameplay Video

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

  • M7 Priest für die Tommies kommt:


    Starter Sets - Shipping Out Soon

    We're fast approaching the point of shipping out pre-orders for our massively popular new boxed game, Black Powder Epic Battles: American Civil War!

    If you haven't yet pre-ordered, there's still opportunity to do so. And now is the perfect time with Wave 2 now announced (and on pre-order itself) with even more to come quite soon!

    The pre-order exclusive bundle contains one of each of each of the first wave of releases as well as Glory Hallelujah - an invaluable resource for delving into the fascinating period. Order before March 13 2021 to secure this deal.

    The American Civil War Starter Set will also be reverting to it's standard pricing of £100.00 / $135.00 on 13th March, so order now to secure the pre-order special price!


    Epic Battles: American Civil War Wave One Pre-Order Bundle Deal

    Order Here

    Epic Battles: American Civil War Starter Set

    Order Here

    Wave Two - Pre-Order Now

    The game is expanding with the introduction of famous combatants like The Iron Brigade, and the Zouaves - regiments that fought for both the Union and the Confederacy, whilst the introduction of Cavalry Brigades adds new dynamics to the otherwise infantry-heavy battlefields. Each of the Wave Two pre-order bundles comes with a free pack of Casualty markers (6 cavalry and 12 infantry), for tracking wounds taken in battle easily and with visual flourish.


    Epic Battles: American Civil War Wave Two Union Bundle

    Order Here

    Epic Battles: American Civil War Wave Two Confederate Bundle

    Order Here

    Geek Villain - Gettysburg Battle Mat

    Fight your American Civil War battles in style! This battle mat from Geek Villain accurately depicts the geography of the Gettysburg battlefield, making it the perfect accessory for the new Black Powder Epic Battles: American Civil War miniatures game.

    Between July 1st and 3rd 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg was one of the largest battles of the American Civil War; fought in the state of Pennsylvania. The Confederate Army under Robert E Lee was defeated by the Army of the Potomac, commanded by George G. Meade.

    Combine with the Gettysburg MDF scenery Pack and you'll be well on the way to recreating this important battle on the tabletop.


    Wargaming Battle Mat 6' x 4' Gettysburg

    Order Here

    New to Pre-Order - British M7 Priest with Theatre Specific Crews

    While the first M7s were produced for the U.S. Army, some were diverted to support the British in North Africa. Ninety M7s were sent to the British Eighth Army in North Africa, who were also the first to use it in battle during the Second Battle of El Alamein.

    The British continued to use the M7 throughout the North African and Italian campaigns. Later, the three assault infantry divisions (3rd and 50th British, 3rd Canadian) that landed on Sword, Juno and Gold beaches on D-Day had their artillery regiments equipped with the M7.

    Introducing three new kits, with crews attired appropriately for various theatres of World War Two.


    British M7 Priest SPG (NW Europe/Italy)

    Order Here

    British M7 Priest SPG (Burma/Italy)

    Order Here

    British M7 Priest SPG (Western Desert)

    Order Here

    Now Available - M5 Stuart Platoon Plastic Kit

    This new versatile plastic kit can be assembled as either an M5 Stuart, M5A1 Stuart or an E7-7 Mechanised Flamethrower, and to boot is suitable for many a Bolt Action army, including US, British, Soviet and Chinese. This platoon set gives you three of these tanks to assemble as you see fit, whether you're looking to field a three vehicle platoon of a single variant, or want to add one of each variant to your army at a discounted price against purchasing three separately.

    Box includes

    • Three 1/56 scale plastic M5 Stuart Light Tanks with options to make the M5A1 and E7-7 mechanized flamethrower versions
    • Bolt Action Stat Cards
    • Full-colour waterslide decal sheet
    • Damage Markers

    M5 Stuart Platoon

    Order Here

    Now Available - Ayar & Jaguar Warriors

    The Aztec Warband enjoys an increase in tactical flexibility with the arrival of a monstrosity unit and an elite melee unit. Whilst the Ayar acts as a high resistance tarpit (and an impressive centerpiece model for a warband!), entrapping opponents in protracted close quarters fighting, the elite Jaguar Warriors can carve through enemy warriors with ease, expertly wielding their deadly macuahuitls.



    Order Here

    Aztec Jaguar Warriors with Macuahuitl

    Order Here

    Now Available - German Language Digital Black Powder Rulebook

    This PDF version of the award-winning book describes the Black Powder game and its various procedures and rules as played by the authors and their friends. The authors' aim is to enable and encourage the reader to recreate the great battles of the 18th and 19th centuries with armies of model soldiers on the tabletop.

    Order Here

    Revised Edition Redemption Scheme

    Recently we announced the revised edition of SPQR, our warband skirmish game set in the ancient world.

    We also launched a limited time redemption scheme - you can get a free copy of the new softback rulebook when purchasing one of a selection of SPQR infantry box sets.

    This offer is strictly limited to one redemption per household/customer, and ends 24 March 2021. For more information, and to see the eligible box sets, hit the link below.

    Find Out More

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

  • embeddable_8ec6465f-aca7-471e-80f7-c5741433c37b.jpg

    Black Powder Epic Battles: American Civil War hits tabletops and hobby benches this weekend, and we couldn't be more excited.

    If you haven't yet pre-ordered, time's fast running out!

    The pre-order exclusive bundle contains the starter set, both infantry brigade box sets and both MDF scenery packs. It also contains Glory Hallelujah, a Black Powder supplement This book describes the history, armies, key leaders, doctrine and tactics of the American Civil War, and includes a comprehensive set of army lists and optional rules for recreating the battles of that war in miniature.

    This bundle will no longer be available for sale on 13th March 2021. Act now to secure one!


    Epic Battles: American Civil War Pre-Order Bundle Deal

    Order Here

    The American Civil War Starter Set

    This truly epic box contains:

    • Union army - 12 regiments, 12 cannon & 12 mounted commanders in blue plastic
    • Confederate army - 12 regiments, 12 cannon & 12 mounted commanders in grey plastic
    • Green plastic bases for all figures
    • A5 Black Powder rulebook
    • 32-page American Civil war background and scenario booklet
    • Flags sheet
    • MDF Dutch-style barn
    • MDF snake fences
    • Six D6 dice

    The American Civil War Starter Set will

    be reverting to it's standard pricing of £100.00 / $135.00 on 13th March, so order now to secure the pre-order special price!


    Epic Battles: American Civil War Starter Set

    Order Here

    Rapid Deployment System Paint Set

    Although designed for Epic Battles: American Civil War, it's equally suitable for miniatures of any scale for that historical period, containing all the colours required for painting both Union and Confederate forces:

    • Uses the Rapid Deployment Paint System - a user friendly method that gives great end results by combining authentic acrylic paints with quickshade pigmented wash in double-quick time.
    • Includes nine paints by Army Painter plus Strong Tone Wash - all you need for both Union and Confederate Armies
    • Also Includes a Plastic Sprue of Epic Battles American Civil War Infantry - perfect to practise on!

    Black Powder American Civil War Paint Set

    Order Here

    Additional Troops - Infantry Brigades

    Expand your forces. Each of these box sets contains enough miniature to make three regiments of infantry (of one hundred men each) as well as three cannons and three mounted commanders.


    Epic Battles: ACW Union Brigade

    Order Here

    Epic Battles: ACW Confederate Brigade

    Order Here

    Epic Scenery for Epic Battles

    Dress your table and lend your battles a more immersive quality. These MDF buildings and plastic trees are perfect to maneuver your troops around in the Epic Battles American Civil War setting, whilst the Gettysburg Scenery is an essential add-on for any who wish to refight that crucial battle using the new system.


    American Civil War Scenery Pack

    Order Here

    Gettysburg Scenery Pack

    Order Here

    12 Tree (N Gauge) Large Set

    Order Here

    8 Autumn Tree (N Gauge) Set

    Order Here

    Look out for more Epic Battles: American Civil War news this weekend...


    Revised Edition Redemption Scheme

    Remember there is only a limited time to take advantage of the recently announced Redemption Program for the brand new SPQR Revised Edition

    Until 24 March 2021, simply purchase one of the selected SPQR infantry box sets (there's a choice for each currently available SPQR faction) from the Warlord Games webstore or any participating retailers, and you'll receive the revised edition rulebook completely free.

    This offer is strictly limited to one per customer/household. All redemption scheme orders will be shipped at the closure of the redemption scheme period, on 24 March 2021.

    Eligible Box Sets

    A Clash of Heroes Starter Set

    For those who have yet to venture into the fast-paced skirmish battles of SPQR, the "A Clash of Heroes" Starter Set is the perfect place to begin. It contains:

    • Softback 196 page A4 rulebook - Revised Edition
    • A Roman Hero (exclusive to this set)
    • 8 Caesarian Romans with gladius
    • 8 Caesarian Romans with Pilum
    • Caesarian Romans shields decal sheet
    • A Gaul Chieftain (exclusive to this set)
    • 40 Gallic Celts & Celts command
    • 12 Celtic Archers
    • Celtic Warriors shields decal sheet
    • Bases
    • 12 x D6 dice
    • Unit statcards

    Speaking of SPQR, if you missed our stream this Monday, you can check out Max and Marcus playing a game of SPQR using the revised rules. They opted to play a 700 Denarii game of Roman Auxiliary against Ancient Britons. Watch their close-fought battle and see for yourself how the revised edition operates in action.

    Catch the regular Monday Evening Streams on the Warlord Games Official Twitch.

    Watch Here

    The World of Warlord:


    To make sure you keep getting these emails, please add info@warlordgames.com to your address book or whitelist us. Want out of the loop? Unsubscribe.

    Unit 1, Central Court, Finch Close, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2NN

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

  • Jetzt schein das Regimentssystem aus Classic Warhammer wiederentdeckt zu werden? Guter Ansatz, aber erstens ist mir der Maßstab zu klein und zweitens nicht mein zeitliches Setting! Ich bleib beim zweiten Weltkrieg! :drink: :thumps:

  • Die neuen Russenboxen für Bolt Action sind da!!!!


    Monster Fight Club products are now available to order from the Warlord Webstore. Monster Fight Club is a close-knit team of hobby industry veterans whose purpose is to evolve tabletop gaming through fun and unique boardgame experiences; innovative accessories, terrain and models for tabletop role-playing games and wargaming; and creating distinctive pop culture collectibles.


    Monster Scenery is a line of game-ready tabletop scenery. Every plastic element is pre-painted and ready to use on wargaming battlefields or as part of your role-playing adventures!

    The range quickly and easily fills tables with great-looking painted terrain. Every set is durable and versatile. Combine the scenery with a game mat (see below) for the ultimate tabletop experience. Great games deserve great scenery!


    Verdant Forest

    Order Here

    Autumn Forest

    Order Here

    Rock Hills

    Order Here

    Barren Hills

    Order Here

    Broken Ground

    Order Here

    Barren Ground

    Order Here

    Bridges & Barricades

    Order Here

    Bushes - Verdant Green

    Order Here

    Monster Games Mats are printed on thin, double-sided neoprene. One side of the mat is the Broken Grassland - a green field of grass and plants, while the other side depicts the Desert Scrubland, a dry and dirty environment of sand and cracked earth.

    The mats are available in a variety of sizes both for wargames battles and roleplaying aficionados, and are available gridded or ungridded to suit the player's own preference.


    Welcome to the Dark Future, the Time of the Red. Megacorps have ravaged civilization, and you do what you must to survive. Are you ready to plug in and fight?

    Bring you adventures to the tabletop with these detailed Cyberpunk RED models. Each model is made from durable plastic and includes a base. Use them to represent your player characters and other citizens living on the edge.


    Edgerunners A (Solo-Tech-Netrunner)

    Order Here

    Edgerunners B (Tech-Nomad-Fixer)

    Order Here

    Edgerunners C (Rocker-Netrunner-Media)

    Order Here

    Edgerunners D (Solo-Nomad-Media)

    Order Here

    Lawmen A (Command)

    Order Here

    Lawmen B (Enforcers)

    Order Here

    Combat Zoners A (Heavies)

    Order Here

    Combat Zoners B (Punks)

    Order Here

    Also Available from Today:


    M5 Stuart Light Tank

    This new versatile plastic kit is packed with options; able to be assembled as one of three variants: either an M5 Stuart, M5A1 Stuart or an E7-7 Mechanised Flamethrower. Not only for United States players, the Stuart is suitable for many a Bolt Action army, including British, Soviet and Chinese.

    Order Here

    Soviet Anti-Tank Teams

    The armies of the Soviet Union had many weapons at their disposal to counteract the threat of German armoured formations - from orthodox anti-tank rifles, oddball 'Molotov Cocktail' throwers and the unconventional use of dogs as living anti-tank mines.

    Order Here

    Soviet Airborne Squad

    The Soviets were visionaries in the development of airborne troops and tactics, first forming a brigade-sized airborne unit after successful trials in December 1932.

    Order Here

    Soviet NKVD Squad

    Chiefly used for internal security, NKVD troops could also potentially fight on the frontline as they did at Stalingrad in 1942 and during the Crimean Offensive in 1944.

    Order Here

    Revised Edition Redemption Scheme - Less than One Week Remaining

    Remember there is only a limited time to take advantage of the recently announced Redemption Program for the brand new SPQR Revised Edition

    Until 24 March 2021, simply purchase one of the selected SPQR infantry box sets (there's a choice for each currently available SPQR faction) from the Warlord Games webstore or any participating retailers, and you'll receive the revised edition rulebook completely free.

    This offer is strictly limited to one per customer/household. All redemption scheme orders will be shipped at the closure of the redemption scheme period, on 24 March 2021.

    Eligible Box Sets

    Limited Time 3 for 2 Offer


    For a limited time, get three for two on select Warlord favourites. With most of our game systems included, it's a fantastic opportunity to embark on a new Warlord hobby adventure!*

    Choose Two of these items
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    *Valid from 3pm 17th March 2021 until 22nd March 2021 (GMT). Price will be deducted on checkout screen.

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  • Moin Moin,

    jetzt haut Warlord endlich mal wieder was gutes raus, besonders der Zug von der "Panzerlehr", ab jetzt in der Preorderliste!


    It's a big week for Bolt Action. Now available to pre-order, we've got the brand new British & Inter-Allied Commandos, a new plastic version of the M8 Scott, and a handful of other new miniatures that supplement a number of belligerents of World War Two. Today is also release day for new book, D-Day: US Sector, completing the epic trilogy of Bolt Action campaign books.

    For those looking to explore the iconic D-Day landings on the tabletop, we've put together some themed bundles that are equally suited for starting or expanding a Bolt Action army.

    New to Pre-Order


    British & Inter-Allied Commandos

    Superbly trained, aggressive in action, well-equipped and deadly in hand-to-hand combat the Commandos were rightly feared by their German, Italian and Japanese foes. Our latest Bolt Action infantry plastic kit is bursting with options, allowing you great versatility in construction and squad composition.


    Commandos Starter Army Bundle

    Commando armies are hard as nails, crammed with veteran infantry units able to dominate the battlefield at any range. This great value bundle gives you two boxes worth of the new plastic infantry, supported by weapons teams and HQ options.


    M8 Scott HMC

    Now in plastic! The M8 75mm Howitzer Motor Carriage (HMC) provided much needed mobile artillery support to US assault forces in North African, Tunisian, North West Europe, Italian and Pacific campaigns during World War Two.


    British 5.5 inch Howitzer (Late War)

    Primarily providing counter-battery fire the 5.5 inch field guns brings the British Army a potent indirect fire option in Bolt Action. The BL 5.5 inch field howitzer gave excellent service to British and Commonwealth forces throughout World War II.


    M6 Fargo 37mm GMC

    The M6 Gun Motor Carriage, more commonly known as the M6 Fargo, was America's first tank destroyer of World War II. Mounting a 37mm anti-tank gun on the Dodge Weapons Carrier the Fargo provided mobile anti-tank capability to US infantry formations.


    Panzer Lehr Squad

    All the panzergrenadiers of the Panzer Lehr were mounted on half-tracks, making it the only fully mechanised unit in the German army. They were the first to fight alongside the deadly Tiger II. In 1944, they found themselves stationed in France to await the inevitable Allied invasion.


    Out Now


    Campaign D-Day: US Sector

    The third D-Day Bolt Action Campaign book focusses on US actions in the wake of the D-Day landings, but with twelve new scenarios and new units for the SAS, Marquis and German belligerents, it is essential reading for anybody interested in the theatre.

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    Campaign D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors Digital Editions

    Plan your British & Canadian campaigns whilst on the go with the digital edition of the second in the trilogy of D-Day campaign books - available both in pdf and ebook formats.

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    D-Day Themed Bundles

    Get started gaming D-Day themed battles with a selection of great valued army bundles. Whether you're mounting a heroic beach assault with United States or British armies, or intend to defend the Atlantic Wall with static German divisions, there's a bundle to get you started.

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    Japanese Metal Pill Boxes

    Jumping theatres, but keeping to the amphibious assault theme, populate your Pacific island defences with these pill boxes. Protect your lines of communication or hinder an enemy attack route. Pack contains two MDF pill boxes, by Sarissa Precision.

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    Meyer :tiger1:

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