News zu CoD: World at War

  • Das Release-Datum ist der 11.11.2008

    Es wird auf jeden Fall wieder einen CTF-Modus als Multiplayer geben!

    Es wird Fahrzeuge auf allen Seiten geben, T34 hab ich schon in Aktion gesehen!

    Hier noch ein paar News auf Englisch:


    Call of Duty: World at War

    Developer: Treyarch
    Publisher: Activision
    Engine: Call of Duty 4 Engine (Proprietary)
    Platforms: Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC, Wii, Nintendo DS, (Playstation 2 ??)
    Releas Date: 11 November 2008 (rumored)

    Building on the Call of Duty 4 engine, Call of Duty: World at War thrusts players into the ruthless and gritty chaos of WWII combat like never been before, and challenges them to band together to survive the most harrowing and climactic battles of WWII that led to the demise of the Axis powers on the European and South Pacific fronts. The title re-defines WWII games by offering an uncensored experience with unique enemies and combat variety, including Kamikaze fighters, ambush attacks, Banzai charges and cunning cover tactics, as well as explosive on-screen action through all new cooperative gameplay.

    Their will be online and single player achivements.



    M1A1 Thompson (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op)
    M1A1 Carbine (Screenshot)(Pre-order Announcement) Available at Level 15
    M1 Garand (Screenshot & Trailer&Co-op)
    Trench Shotgun (Screenshot)
    Browning Automatic Rifle (B.A.R) (Co-op Video)
    M1903 Springfield (Screenshot)
    M1903 Springfield Scoped (Screenshot)
    M2 Flamethrower (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    M1911 (Also known as Colt 45) (Co-op Video)
    Bajonet (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op)
    M9 Bazooka (Co-op Video)
    Browning M1919A6 (Screenshot)
    M2 Machine Gun (Screenshot)

    American Explosives

    MK2 Frag Grenade (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    Smoke Grenade (Trailer)
    Satchel Charges (Screenshot)
    Mines (Can't be seen)

    Russian Weapons

    TT-33 (Screenshot & Trailer)
    Mosin Nagant (Screenshot & Trailer)
    Mosin Nagant Scoped (Screenshot)
    PPSH (71 Round Drum Magazine) (Screenshot)
    PPSH (31 Round Banana Magazine) (Trailer)
    Bajonet (Trailer & Screenshot)

    Russian Explosives

    RGD-33 (Trailer & Screenshot)

    German Weapons

    P08 Luger (Screenshot)
    Kar98 (Screenshot)
    Kar98 Scoped (Screenshot)
    MP44 (Also known as STG-44) (Screenshot)
    MP40 (Screenshot)
    MG42 (Screenshot)
    MG34 (Screenshot)
    Knife (Screenshot)

    German Explosives

    Stielhandgranate (Screenshot)

    Japanese Weapons

    Nambu 14 (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    Arisaka Type 99(Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    Type 100 Submachine gun (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    Bajonet(Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    Katana (Screenshot & Trailer)

    Japanese Explosives

    Kiska Grenade (Screenshot)

    British Weapons

    Sten SMG (Screenshot)

    Random Explosives

    Molotov Cocktail (CHEFS) (Probably Russian)


    There will not be a beta but their is still the possibility of a demo.

    Consoles: 1-18
    PC's: 1-32
    Co-op: 2-4

    Some modes will have 2 players,8,12,and 18.

    CoD: WaW will include four-player online co-op for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC, while the console versions will also allow soldiers to pair up offline for local split-screen gameplay, with "a unique co-op mode for two players" reserved for soldiers waggling on the Wii. However, the game's online focus won't end with simply gunning down enemy soldiers and offering moral support to buddies trying to make it through the game's "darker themes." Activision notes that Call of Duty: World at War will shell out persistent experience points to players participating in both competitive and cooperative online battles, as well as a difficulty curve that will scale depending on "a player's experience rank and rank of the player's friends.

    Multiplayer looks a lot like COD4:MW, in regards to the Graphic User Interface and Gameplay. Those who love the predecessor, will feel right at home. Party lobby, load screens, map selection, etc., all look quite familiar.

    Perks – Yes, they are indeed back. To answer the overwhelming concern, last I heard, YES, Martyrdom and Juggernaught will be making a return. They will be balanced by counter perks and it’s being discussed whether perks such as Martyrdom & Last Stand will be viable if you do not still have that perk’s tool in your arsenal (Realism v Gameplay).

    XP – Experience points are back, you can earn them in MP as well as in Co-op in order to unlock new weapons, attachments, etc. Again, Challenges take the place of online Achievements and will add to your overall XP. Keep in mind, what your skill is in MP, will determine what the AI is in online Co-op. Since you earn XP in Co-op, the better you are, the harder the AI opposition will be!

    Maps – The first SP map Maikin Raid was an MP map (not sure of the name). Kind of cool because if you are say… getting shot at in a hut, you can shoot out a wall, jump in the water, and flank your enemy. There was another map with a big building, good short-medium range, and another that was more urban warfare type in the streets. Names at the time were still TBD, so I’m not going to go into specifics on those. The urban street map, was in a night setting though.

    Kill Streak Bonus: Yes, they are back. At 3 kills you can launch a spy drone (they did exist in WWII) analogous to the UAV, at 5 kills you can call in an artillery strike, at 7… No one knows what it'll be but I’d bet something will be there to reward the gamer.

    Attachments will be back but instead of a red dot sight, you can get an iron cross sight. On what guns and such, I’m not sure… that’s the only one I saw. I’m sure many did indeed exist in WWII and will be present.

    Their will be Vehicles in “Certain Gametypes.” Not all Gametypes will include vehicles, so those who like them can play them, and vice-versa.

    A flamethrower will be available in the game, and is apparently based off of the design and handling of the armament in Return to Castle Wolfenstein. This lethal weapon can burn the skin off of your enemies.

    The player is able to shoot through cover, "with enough bullets, the player causes enough damage to one of the walls to create a hole big enough to walk through."

    The game allows you to swim for the first time in the series, although movement will be severely limited, with your character only capable of walking at half speed.

    You can use all the nations weapons even if you are on the other nation, just like in COD4, if your playing as an American you can still have a Kar98k in one of your classes.

    Their will be 65 lvls(ranks) and will have prestige (# of prestiges n/a).

    The Flamethrower is rumored of being a perk but no one knows for sure.

    Private matches will be similar to COD4.

    Their will be a party system similar to COD4's, The highest amount of players in a party will be 9.

    Their will not be a map editor for consoles but their will be one for PC's.

    Capture The Flag (CTF), will be making a return to WaW.

    Their will be online and single player achivements.

    Their will be a create-a-class system similar to COD4's.

    Players will be able to climb up trees and snipe from them.


    Durch die Macht der Wahrheit habe ich als Lebender das Universum erobert.

  • Ist ja mal richtig düster, mit dem doppelläufigen Püster! :shock: Schöne Ragdoll-Animationen und die Panzer sehen mal erste Sahne aus. Ich freu mich schon wie ein Schneekönig auf die ersten Muliplayer-Trailer der PC-Version. :mrgreen:

    MS Windows? Nein Danke, ich nutze Linux! :spock:

  • Das mit der Lebensenergie bei COD - egal ob COD2 oder auch bei COD4 is natürlich auch purer Käse.

    Diesen Schwachsinn gibt's ja auch in anderen Spielen.

    Völlig grass z.B. bei DoD. Wenn's der Surfer unterstützt tippste medic in die Konsole un schon biste wieder fit.

    Am besten ist: man schreibt sich ein script wo im hundertstelsekundentakt medic eingegeben wird - dann kann einem ja eigentlich nichts mehr passieren.

    Ich bin nach wie vor gegen Sanis und/oder Verbandpäckchen (im Spiel natürlich nur - nicht das sich hier einer persönlich angegriffen fühlt)


    Ich tue was ich kann - aber kann oft nicht was ich tue

  • Weil ein Krieg wesentlich länger dauert als ein Spiel und weil Verletzungen im Spiel keine weiteren Folgen für Dein wahres Leben mit sich bringen,

    Die Sanis haben im Einsatz damit zu tun, die "Erste Hilfe" zu leisten, d. h. schnell dafür zu sorgen, daß die Betroffenen nicht verrecken bevor man denen überhaupt helfen kann.

    Blutungen stillen, Gliedmaßen abbinden, Wundverbände anlegen, die Kameraden aus der Gefahrenzone bergen.

    Wenn es einen erwischt hat und derjenige nach dem Sani brüllt hat sich's wohl ausgekämpft - andernfalls kannste auch noch ne halbe Stunde ohne Sani weiterkämpfen (wenn Du überhaupt solange lebst).

    Wie oft spawnst Du im Spiel (also wie lange überlebst Du im Spiel)?
    Wie lange brauch ein Sani, bis er Dich wieder auf den Beinen hat?
    Und wer will denn den Sani spielen, wenn es einigermaßen realistisch zugehen soll?

    Nein, wenn es Dich erwischt hat is Feierabend!

    Wenn Du im Spiel länger als eine Sekunde auf den Sani warten müsstest wirst Du wahrscheinlich schon ungeduldig!
    Sani und Verbandsmaterial gehören in ein vernünftiges Spiel (wie z.B.RO) genau so wenig rein wie der "Ingenieur", der Dir Dein zusammengeschossenes Fahrzeug in nullkommanix wieder einsatzfähig schraubt.

    Das ist auch der Grund, warum ich gerne RO spiele ;)


    Ich tue was ich kann - aber kann oft nicht was ich tue


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