• Da hat Grade recht, die Bilder sehen klasse aus. Nur leider muß man bis jetzt sagen das die Announcementbilder und die Ingamesachen nicht viel gemeinsam haben was Uniformen, Gesichter und so angeht, die sind echt so schlecht im Spiel.... Und das sage ich nicht als Hater, sondern als jemand der schon 300 Std + auf dem Tacho in dem Spiel hat und es wirklich mag!

  • Hey everyone,

    Welcome to Developer Briefing 80!

    This week we're going to be detailing the Omaha Beach revamp which will be arriving alongside the Foy revamp AND a brand new map in Update 7.

    Before we go into that though we want to let you know that we've got so many new features to show off, but we’re very keen to reveal these off closer to the release date.

    To keep you in the loop on that we want to let you know that next week's Developer Briefing will be the Community x Black Matter Developer Q&A Session that was recorded with Team Dixx recently. The week after that you can expect us to start sharing brand new content, including the new animation system - Thank you all so much for your patience on this, we can't wait to share more and discuss it with you.

    Now, back to Omaha!

    Omaha Beach Revamp

    Alongside Foy, Omaha has had a significant revamp leading in to Update 7. We’ve remodelled large parts of Vierville town (with more to do) in order to create better gameplay, better visuals and better optimisation.



    We’ve also relit the map - learning from the photoreal techniques we used in Hill 400. This has better improved the atmosphere and unique feeling of that dark, overcast morning of the 6th of June, 1944. It’s also using photoreal values to create a far more natural transition from dark interiors and shadows into daylight.


    After releasing Sainte-Mere-Eglise, we stepped back and started to heavily examine the ways we do urban environments and combat. Often we hear players excited for specifically urban environments, and so we were keen to break that down in order to establish what makes great urban combat in games that do it really well.


    Previously, when creating a map we’d place buildings individually next to one another. Some would be open, some would be closed. We’d often then drop in buildings and individual props around those buildings, trying to shape them into the most convincing layout for the space and the era. While this worked, it resulted in thousands of tiny gardens and yards that ended quickly in tedious gameplay - where players would either be in one of the many rooms of the house, or they’d be sitting behind a corner in one of a hundred gardens. In addition to this, the sheer number of objects and their placement resulted in lots of “bitsy” gameplay that not only tripped you up as you moved through environments (especially before our new vaulting mechanics have been introduced), but resulted in ugly and uninspiring gameplay.


    Revisiting this, we’ve started to build out many archetypal compounds for both urban and countryside usage. We’ve also created entirely new building assets. We’ll do a deep dive on this in a later dev brief, but our philosophy around mapping these locations has now changed for the better - enabling us to spend a much larger amount of time on medium sized portions of the built environment that we can then adapt into the maps.


    The end result is not only a higher concentration of detail in the environment (with far more microprops and visual interest), it’s also a much larger mixture of cover, interesting ways to traverse the environment, as well far more considered lines of sight. We’ve also taken into account specific locations to drop spawnpoints and other deployables. We’ve also lit these environments to give them an especially atmospheric feeling (very useful for low light or night-time conditions). This also means attacking and defending is far more reliable. Instead of enemies moving in from all directions, these environments can be locked down far more successfully, while fighting through them is far more interesting (ie. crouching through a blown out hole between two buildings in order to uproot a sniper in the attic).


    As new assets, compounds, buildings and props come online throughout the course of our Early Access period, we’ll be fleshing out strong points across all our maps to ensure that each presents a new challenge. We have a huge amount of work to do across the current Western Front maps, and we’re excited to bring each to the same level of quality while offering a unique experience per map.


    New FPP Hands and Arms

    With the implementation of the all new hands and arms for our animation overhaul, we’ve set about creating matching sets for all available uniforms in the game. We feel this not only is the expected visual to match your choice of uniform, we also have some interesting things in store when it comes to dynamic mud/blood and dirt...


    Caption Competition!


    You may have seen some hilarious and awesome Hell Let Loose comic strips floating around recently on our Sub-Reddit and Social Media pages.

    These were created by community artist and all round awesome player u/Moscatnt (Reddit).

    They now want you to caption the above image to win some sweet prizes:

    • Custom Avatar Illustration
    • Hell Let Loose Steam Key

    To enter your caption you must post it in this Reddit thread.

    Good luck everyone, we look forward to seeing what you come up with!

    That wraps up this week's Dev Brief, let us know what you think of our upcoming improvements to Omaha!

    Have a fantastic weekend, we'll see you on the frontline.

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

  • Kurz vor m zu Bett gehen lief mir grad noch dies über den Weg... Ausschauen tuts Hammer, erwarte das wir Carentan gemeinsam von den Amis säubern, zu Fuß oder auch auf kette, mir Latte :panz4a::panther::tiger1: :pzdf:

    Hey everyone,

    Welcome to Developer Briefing #82!

    This week we're starting to formally reveal and go into detail on some of the content you'll be diving into when Update 7 drops in the near future.

    This week, Lead Developer Max is taking you on an introduction to the next map coming to Hell Let Loose... Carentan!

    Introducing Carentan

    Hi everyone,

    Max here!

    For a long time we’ve wanted to put together a proper urban map that took the more open-field combat of Hell Let Loose and placed it in a dense, built-up environment. To do that effectively and in a way that captured both the best of gameplay and the best visuals relied on us building up a huge asset library that would allow us to curate gameplay, as well as create a convincing urban landscape.

    We’re incredibly proud to finally reveal that our next map will be Carentan - coming in Update 7 alongside our animation overhaul and many, many other additions.

    Carentan is very different to every Hell Let Loose map you’ve played before. We studied all the feedback from Sainte-Mère-Église (our urban test-run). From this we boiled down key elements that made up great urban warfare and then set about building a pipeline that would allow us to deliver this in an optimised way.


    Carentan is hugely iconic - first made so by Band of Brothers, and then by the countless iterations of the location in games - starting of course with Call of Duty 1. We wanted - in typical Hell Let Loose fashion - to recreate the town exactly and lay it out in a way that enables you to fight the battle at the scale of the real-life engagement. All the most iconic locations are present, but in their own location. You’ll be able to fight from the Cafe Desire Ingouf and the Cafe De Normandie, through the train station and all the way to the Arcades of the Place de la République before crossing the canal locks into the countryside.





    As you can see from the tactical map below, the key to Carentan is owning and protecting the bridges crossing the canals to the north, as well as the four main thoroughfares through the town itself.


    The town is huge - easily the largest playable urban landscape that we’ve ever attempted. Building a photoreal town from to-scale reference is no easy feat - and to achieve that we’ve taken the liberty of closing off many of the 2000+ gardens that lay nestled behind the street fronts.

    Like the battle itself, we wanted to consolidate the combat to the streets, squares and houses. As such, we’ve curated key locations and access points as happened in the real battle. We’ve tested player density considerably and are confident in the brutal street-to-street and house-to-house fighting.

    We’ve changed much of our level design ethos and systems in the last six months. We’ll explain this far deeper in it’s own Dev Brief, but you’ll notice that Carentan has a much higher level of consistent detail in every location.





    Beyond the town itself are the low lying flooded fields, the outlying farmhouses and the Mont Halais position - a hilltop flak position that overlooks the train station.



    We’re starting to prepare for the launch of Update 7 in the coming weeks and the coming dev briefs are going to contain some of the biggest changes to the game that we’ve ever made.

    ‘Caption This’ Competition by MoscaTnT - The Winners

    Thanks for all of your submissions to the recent HLL subreddit competition that was run by our very talented community illustrator MoscaTnT. We were very taken back by the response from the community and we will be sure to do more of these or similar comps in the near future! So if you haven’t done so yet, make sure to follow the subreddit for all the glorious future content!

    If you would like to check out the other submitted captions here is the link

    The Winners

    We decided to give an extra key away, as the judges were torn because there were so many good captions!

    1st Game Key goes to _SGP_



    2nd Game Key goes to PANZERmx




    And the winner of a Custom Designed Avatar from Art creator MoscaTnT and Game Key goes to




    The prize in all its glory:


    Steam Summer Sale 25% Discount & Next Week's Developer Brief!

    Prepare for Carentan, grow your unit, join the battle right now in the Steam Summer Sale with a 25% discount:


    Hell Let Loose

    6. Juni 2019

    2. Weltkrieg


    In den Warenkorb
    Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen

    The battle for Carentan draws near. Be ready for battle.

    Now, about Dev Brief #83... We can confirm that next week's Brief will be on the Animation Overhaul!

    You've all been very patient, thank you. We're incredibly excited to finally share this game changing overhaul with you.

    To tide you over until then, we've got a screenshot for you...


    See you on the frontline.


    Meyer :tiger1:

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

  • Kommendes Update kommt am 14.07.

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  • Post Scriptum

    Update v2.0.888.15384 - Changelog

    Schöne Grüße!

    Nach unserem großen Patch letzte Woche gab es einige Probleme, die bei der ersten Qualitätssicherung übersehen wurden.

    Diese wurden gefunden und korrigiert, insbesondere funktionierte das Rüstungsdurchdringungssystem nicht wie beabsichtigt und verursachte Probleme mit der Fähigkeit, Fahrzeuge zu stechen und andere mit bestimmten Arten von Fahrzeugen und Waffen zu zerstören.

    Wir haben angesprochen, dass die Fahrer in Lastwagen aufgrund von Kollisionen nicht tötbar sind und dass der Einsatz eine Kollision verursacht, selbst wenn sie nicht gebaut werden.

    Wir haben auch behoben, dass die MOTD keine Schaltfläche zum Schließen hat, wenn zu viel Text vorhanden ist.

    Wir haben auch das Feedback zu unserer Eintrittskarte gehört, bei der der Strand von Utah zu laut und unangenehm ist. Deshalb haben wir ihn wieder in die ruhigere Arnhem Range geändert.

    Wir haben auch einige andere Korrekturen, Verbesserungen und Optimierungen vorgenommen.

    Changelog v2.0.888.15384

    • Benutzeroberfläche: Die Schaltfläche zum Schließen von MOTD wurde behoben, die bei übermäßig großen Textmengen nicht sichtbar war.
    • Benutzeroberfläche: Die Eintrittskarte für das Hauptmenü wurde wieder in die Arnhem-Version geändert.
    • Fix: Das Rüstungsdurchdringungssystem wurde behoben.
    • Fix: Behoben, dass Minen und andere einsetzbare Objekte nicht angezeigt wurden, wenn sie sich außerhalb einer bestimmten Entfernung vom Spieler befanden.
    • Fix: Problem, bei dem Fahrer in Lastwagen aufgrund einer Kollision nicht getötet werden konnten - gefixt
    • Fix: Der Schwerpunkt der M3-Halbspur wurde im Heck behoben, wodurch das Fahrzeug nach oben raste.
    • Fix: Panzer IV G Turmschild ist falsch ausgerichtet.
    • Gameplay: Alle Fahrzeuge mit weicher Haut und realistischerer Schadensresistenz wurden korrigiert und neu ausbalanciert.
    • Gameplay: Die Deployables mit vollständig erstellten Kollisionen im nicht erstellten Zustand wurden behoben.
    • Level Design: Britische QF6 AT Gun für das deutsche Team als Verteidiger in der Driel Offensive 05 behoben.
    • Level Design: Behobene Driel Offensive 05 vorgefertigte Baukisten ohne Vorräte behoben.
    • Level Design: Fliegende Flugboxen zu Stunden RAAS 01 behoben.
    • Auswirkungen: Mögliche Korrektur für AP-Minen, die unter bestimmten Umständen keine FX haben, wenn sie betreten werden.
    • Effekte: Panzer II wurden die richtigen Muzzle FX zugewiesen.
    • Effekte: Optimierte 20-mm-AP-Auswirkungen auf Holz und Betonmaterial.
    • Effekte: Allgemeine Korrekturen an Texturgröße und Streaming.
    • Effekte: Richtiger Aufpralleffekt und Sound von AT-Granaten gegen Rüstung zugewiesen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Periscope Games


  • Moin zusammen,

    so das Meyer ist wieder da :) ich fange hier mal an wieder das letzte HLL Update zu posten, habs mal wieder ausprobiert und in ein paar Dingen ist es echt besser geworden und mit den richtigen Leuten/ Server rockt es auch. Nicht vor dem Sound des Opel Blitz erschrecken, ich weis nicht nach was es klingt, aber es ist soooo grausam, ohne Worte...;(;( :drink: So nu gehts los hier... :tiger1:

    Hey everyone!

    Welcome to Update 8: The Red Ball Express.

    Named after the famed Allied supply chain, we felt this was an appropriate name to introduce all the large changes we’ve made to the Support and Engineer roles, the addition of supply and transport trucks, as well as unveil new Hurtgen to you all.

    There are more than 1000 changes in Update 8 - both front end and back end. While the time elapsed between Update 7 and Update 8 has been significantly longer than usual, it’s given the team a chance to regain some energy and work through some persistently frustrating issues. We know we still have much more to do to bring Hell Let Loose to a state of quality that we’re happy with, but we hope you enjoy all of the quality of life, performance and functionality changes Update 8 brings with it.

    Below we’ll be listing the biggest changes. As always, we’re watching feedback roll in across all our channels. We’ll be playing the game with you and collecting feedback. At the bottom of the changelog you can also see what we’re eyeing up for coming updates.

    Update 8 Change Log

    Patch Note - Once you've patched Hell Let Loose to Update 8 please verify your 'Local Game Content' on Steam.

    Hurtgen Overhaul

    Classic map Hurtgen Forest has been fully overhauled!


    On top of that we've expanded the available modes on the map.

    • Updated Hurtgen Warfare
    • Added Hurtgen German Offensive
    • Added Hurtgen US Offensive


    Supply and Transport Trucks are now live in-game!

    Get a detailed breakdown of their role on the frontline in their dedicated Dev Brief here.


    Satchel Charges

    Take down enemy Fortifications, set traps and ambush the opposing team with the addition of the Engineer's Satchel Charge!

    Full details on this new piece of equipment can be found here.


    Just remember where you planted yours...


    Shape the Frontline with new faction specific defences!

    Engineers and Support players can now work together to create focused defences at key points on the frontline.


    Top Tip: Multiple Engineers can work together on a single item to build it quicker!

    Grease Gun

    The Grease Gun has been added to the US arsenal in select loadouts!


    Best deployed in CQC situations, you can find out more about this new weapon here.

    Bullet Penetration

    Choose your cover wisely as bullet penetration is now live!

    Full information on this new mechanic can be found in its dedicated Dev Brief here.


    Refined Hit Boxes and Limb Damage

    We've refined infantry hit boxes and limb damage behaviour to further improve infantry combat and reward accurate shooting.

    This will also further define certain weapons and make them standout in their preferred ranges and combat scenarios. You can read more on this here.

    Upgraded to Unreal Engine version to 4.25

    Does exactly what it says on the tin! Hell Let Loose now runs on Unreal Engine 4.25!

    Metagame Changes

    • Reduce the amount of garrisons that can be placed per team down to 8 from 10.
    • Increase the distance in which Garrisons can be placed next to each other, from 100 meters to 200. This is to create a more decisive weight of numbers on key locations and reduce the “whackamole” that occurs. We’ll be watching this very closely.

    New Commander Ability

    Resource Conversions

    You can now trade a larger quantity of one resource for a smaller quantity of another resource. The idea here is to allow Commanders the ability to better balance their resource pools at the cost of additional expense when converting.

    We feel that this is a good way to enable astute Commanders to redistribute their resources as needed.


    • Implemented ballistics system to all vehicles for coaxial and hull MGs (no more Star Wars lasers).
    • Reduced belt size on coaxial and hull MGs to limit continuous spam and encourage selective use of them (especially now that they are easier to guide onto target).
    • Implemented base roster of vehicles across all maps. Please note: we will alter this slightly as time goes on.
    • We have increased the speed of the K98k bolt cycle.
    • Introduced bullet penetration to all weapons.
    • Slightly reduced grenade fatal explosion range to better emulate the real values.
    • Changed number of buildable resource nodes to 4 per type.
    • Slightly increased M1 Garand and BAR vertical recoil to make it harder to keep on targets at 50m +
    • Added Blowtorch for all repairs.
    • Added Hammer to build deployables.
    • Wrench now functions as a way of placing and laying out deployables.
    • Added handheld Supply Boxes.
    • Added three types of Ammunition Box.
    • Added Satchel Charge to German and US forces.
    • Added M3 Grease Gun to US forces.
    • Added first round of destruction to player deployed objects.
    • [Fixed] 'Encouraged' can be used before the first sector has been captured
    • Worked to better define when a player takes damage (a screen effect now plays at the exact point of damage) vs when they are suppressed.
    • Recon marks now only show to specific roles and unit types (Commander, Officers, Recon Units, Armor Units).
    • Improved hit rejection and detection across a wide spectrum of pings.
    • We now reward all vehicle occupants when that vehicle gets a kill.
    • Players will now no longer receive the ‘You killed a friendly’ notification if they dismember a friendly with a grenade while the friendly is in a critical condition.
    • Unit list on HUD now shows critically wounded or dead players.
    • All actions in the game now reward experience. Supplies, Ammo and Spawns will only reward significant experience on their consumption or usage (and only a nominal amount on the actual dropping).
    • Due to the importance of the Commander, players must now reach Career level 10 to be able to access the role.
    • Removed sprint camera shake and movement from playing when strafing left and right with no forward movement.
    • Added an HLL specific clan suffix game option. This places a clan tag after your name in-game.
    • Players now face the objective whenever they spawn.
    • We now enable players to see their map while critically wounded and down.
    • Increased Puma and Greyhound's turning circle and traction.
    • Added stronger vehicle anti-flip mechanics.
    • Added better tank colliders to enable them to roll over more vertical surfaces in front of them as they would be able to do in real life.
    • Capped total number of Infantry units to 18 (meaning we now don’t overshoot the alphabet).


    • Integrated a punish/forgive system with a default on Forgive unless Punish is chosen. Each punish registers the kill as a teamkill (counting towards kick threshold and delayed respawn).
    • Overhauled Vote Kick system to show reason. The threshold now scales for a vote kick (1-25 players on a team = 10 votes required to kick / 26-50 players on a team = 15 votes required to kick) and only applies to the team of the person being voted on. Players can only vote to kick players on their team. We’ve also added a cooldown on vote kicks. We’ll be revisiting this to make it slightly more complex in function (and scale better).
    • Roadtesting 50% friendly bullet damage in order to give players a slight chance not to totally finish off a friendly (when using traditionally OHK weapons).

    Where to next?

    We’ve still got more to do when it comes to polishing and finalising what we’d consider to be a “1.0 worthy” release quality version of Hell Let Loose. We’re aware of issues with both gamemodes, with specific locations on maps, with balancing, with performance and many other aspects of the game.

    Hell Let Loose is a constant passion for us as a team and we’re often trying to strike the balance of fixing endemic issues while balancing the addition of new content.

    We’re very thankful for the patience the community has shown with us over the course of our development, and we want to assure you that we have many more additions to come.

    Thank you all so much much for your continued support. We hope you have a brilliant time with Update 8 and look forward to reading through and collating your feedback.

    See you on the frontline.

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

  • Und ganz wichtig wer noch nicht hat, is für lau:

    Winter Warfare Helmet Pack

    The Winter Warfare Helmet Pack free DLC is live now!

    1 x US Winter Toque

    1 x German Winter Toque

    1 x White Painted M1

    1 x White Painted M42

    Hell Let Loose - Winter Warfare Helmet Pack Hell Let Loose - Winter Warfare Helmet Pack 19. Dez. 2019 Strategie Action Indie Simulation Gewalt Winter Warfare Helmet Pack Get ready for Christmas in Hell Let Loose with the Winter Warfare Helmet pack. Pack Includes: 1 x US Winter Toque 1 x German Winter Toque 1 x White Painted M1 1 x White Painted... Kostenlos spielbar Jetzt spielen

    The pack is only available for a limited time, so grab it while you can!

    See you on the frontline!

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

  • Hey everyone,

    Welcome to Developer Briefing #106!

    This week we're using the Dev Brief to give you a preview at an impending patch that, all going well, will be arriving on the frontline next week.

    Your feedback and willingness to be open and honest with us about all aspects of the game has been greatly appreciated. The team have worked tireless since U8 launched to not only collate everyone's feedback across all our channels - but take action on it!

    I'm going to pass you over to Lead Developer Max now to let you know where we're at, as well as what we're addressing in Patch 14.

    A Message From Max - Patch 14 Preview

    Hi everyone,

    It’s been a huge week for us with the release of Update 8 and we’re really excited to watch how many of the changes have been enjoyed by the community - especially the changes to FX, the soundscape, quality of life, new Hurtgen and many more.

    Simultaneously, we’ve spent a lot of time in game with you, as well as reading all of the feedback across all our channels.

    While we do test as much as possible during QA and then in the PTE’s, we often miss things due to the sheer size of the game.This is equally frustrating for us as a team, because we’d much prefer to ship an update with very few obvious issues as possible.

    All going well, late next week we’ll be releasing a patch that will cover as many of the quickest fixes we’ve been able to accomplish this week (a huge thanks to the production and QA team to get this out the door!). Obviously, more complex issues will take longer to resolve, but we wanted to make sure you knew that many of the issues you were experiencing were unacceptable and we’ve prioritised a fix.

    Without further ado:

    • Bypass server queue not allowed - bug fixed where it was causing mass disconnects on map change.
    • Vote kick threshold raised - will require a much higher % of the team for a vote to succeed. This is one of the most painful features we’ve ever worked on in HLL. Too low and people continually troll by
    • kicking people - too high and it’s useless. Ultimately we’re looking at the ability for server owners to enable/disable vote kick and also player reporting and admin logging for U9.
    • Vivox/Voip issues, we are watching this closely and have made one or two bug fixes.
    • Fix for super grainy/sharp broken AA. While these changes benefitted TAA, they multiplied the effect on other forms of AA. We will be hand implementing these settings to TAA for Update 9.
    • Fix fallen burned tree collisions on Hurtgen forest so players can step over them.
    • Make all wire fences ignore collision from bullets, tank shells and heavy weapons.
    • Changes across the BAR, Thompson, MP40, K98k, Garand, G43, M3 Grease Gun weapons to reduce damage drop off at range, as players landing difficult, accurate shots were punished for their efforts.
    • We also increased the shots to kill on extremities for some of these weapons, while returning the STG and BAR to their OHK status. The result is that all of these weapons now play closer to their U7 variants, while still punishing shots that hit the lower legs and feet.
    • Fixed: The SFX for exiting ocean water can be heard within 500m.
      Slightly lowered semi-automatic recoil. It now sits just above half way between the original and the new. We played with this every day since the Update and found that the new recoil was slightly too strong.
    • Applied bullet penetration to many irritating materials that we’d missed (wire fences, small wooden posts).
    • Fixes for collision occurring on things it shouldn’t (grass on the top of embankments, some reeds, some other foliage, window and door openings on some buildings).
    • Fixed a few dozen map bugs reported by QA and the Community.
    • Partial fix for grass loading slowly. Much more should now have loaded when you spawn, but there’s still more work we can do here.
    • Removed medals from the player nameplate HUD icons, as their scaling often totally broke the visual and was more distracting than useful. We’ll look at implementing this after we revise the idea. The medals are still present in the scoreboard and Barracks.
    • Various server crash fixes, and improvements made to address reports of ‘rubber-banding’

    Run Speed:

    We tweaked the player run speed for U8 in order to watch the resulting flow of combat and the effect it would have on intentional movement across and around the front line - rewarding intentional movement and decreasing the amount of “zig zag” “mosquito” movement.

    We’ve often gone back and forth with regard to a stamina system for Hell Let Loose. We’ve frequently decided against it, as the core essence of Hell Let Loose is the emphasis on the courage to push forward bravely and efficiently - knowing that to take any ground requires forward movement. If we start rewarding players for slow or static play (whether by making out-of-stamina players find it harder to aim, or by increasing the aiming stability of stationary, crouched or prone players) we felt that it would fundamentally discourage the core of our attacking gameplay.

    Counter to this, we’ve also been aware that our previous run speed was high enough (and our player acceleration matching this), that enemy targets could go from a walk to full sprint incredibly quickly, and that quickly strafing side to side in a gunfight was often advisable.

    As such, we wanted to find the best of both worlds - making sure our system didn’t punish forward movement (or reward static play) - while also creating a more realistic time to accelerate and total movement speed.

    We are still playing this change and watching the way this affects the metagame.

    We also wanted to note that our crouched player run speed is slightly slower than our standing one. However, due to the camera being closer to the ground, there is a perception that it’s faster or as fast as the standing speed.

    Finally, we fully acknowledge that this change to player speeds should have been acknowledged in the patch notes. Its absence was not intentional and was a result of the change taking place very early in the dev cycle. We’ll make sure in the future that we work harder so this does not happen again.

    In Conclusion

    There is still a huge amount more to address from both this Update, let alone what we’ll be doing for Update 9. If we haven’t mentioned a specific issue in this dev brief (metagame, armored issues and gameplay etc.) or addressed it with this patch - it does not mean that we feel it’s acceptable or are totally happy with everything that is unmentioned. Hell Let Loose is in Early Access, and as such will continually be worked on in coordination with community feedback.

    We’re very excited to get this patch out and are looking forward to revealing more of what is to come in both Update 9 and 2021. Hell Let Loose is still relatively young in its development and there’s so much more to come. Fortunately, the incredible feedback you give us - as well as the passion you have for Hell Let Loose - gives us enormous amounts of energy to keep polishing, improving and optimising - let alone creating new content.

    While continued development and updating a live game is a rollercoaster, we’re looking forward to an even bigger year for Hell Let Loose in 2021.

    Onwards to the weekend!

    That wraps up this week's Dev Brief and today's update from Max!

    As a little reminder, if you haven't grabbed the free 'Winter Warfare Helmet Pack' DLC you grab it for a limited time below:

    Hell Let Loose - Winter Warfare Helmet Pack Hell Let Loose - Winter Warfare Helmet Pack 19. Dez. 2019 Strategie Action Indie Simulation Gewalt Kostenlos spielbar Jetzt spielen

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    We'll see you on the frontline!

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

  • Hey everyone,

    Welcome to Dev Brief #107!

    This week we're talking about the meta! Specifically what we feel is working, what we think isn't and what we're doing to change it.

    We were originally planning to talk about this over the last few weeks, but due to Update 8 and Patch shenanigans we had to push this topic back slightly... But now the time has come!

    Project Lead Max has put together the team's thoughts on what we're seeing and what we've learned from all of your feedback on how the meta plays and feels at the moment.

    Now, lets get stuck in shall we!

    A Message From Max - The Metagame!

    Hi everyone,

    Now that the dust has settled on both Update 8 and Patch 14, we thought we’d take the chance to address several large metagame issues that we’ll be looking to solve in the near future. In order to best address them, we’re keen to not only discuss them here, but use this dev brief as a jumping off point for wider community discussion.

    1. Red Zone Garrisons

    Initial Issue

    Previously, defensive players would often be incredibly overwhelmed and hamstrung by attacking players who would sneak into the strongpoint (or just behind it) and drop down a Garrison (referred to as a “ninja garrison”). This would then negate all measures the defenders had in place, by enabling the attacking team to dump their entire force onto the point extremely quickly.

    The key issues here were that this completely dissolved the “frontline” aspect of the game and enabled near instantaneous leverage of entire teams into action behind or on top of the enemy line. In effect - 1 (and at most - 2) players could leverage the entire attacking team into a single location, with the defending team unable to parry this attack by virtue of it being so easy to initiate.

    In order to preserve the sense of a front line, and better telegraph the loss of ground and enemy thrusts, the ability to place Garrisons in “red zones” was removed. This was largely to see if teams could successfully leverage an assault with 3-4 Officers using OPs in the red zone instead of the single Garrison.

    Positive Result

    The positive result has been in far more stable front line combat. The movement back and forth of teams directly correlates to their positioning, and attacks can be telegraphed and thwarted by defenders.

    Negative Result

    The downside has been the often-stagnation of teams into pure attack or defense - largely due to the asymmetry of leveraging assaults. Instead of being able to move 4-5 Officers into an attacking position using a Garrison, multiple individual Officers must now attack together in order to present a significant enough front to successfully push a defended strong point.

    For example, in the following image we can see more than 6 individual Officers have manoeuvred to the same location in order to place down OPs. While this is encouraging to see, the inability to quickly deploy attacking Officers (and therefore OPs and units) into flanking or attacking positions (that have won ground against the defenders).


    Thinking Around a Fix

    Ultimately, we do not want to return to the days of ninja garrisons that enabled one or two players to leverage the entire attacking team into the point in the blink of an eye. At the same time, we want to enable attacking teams to be able to properly establish an assault with a Garrison from an offset or close location in territory that has already been cleared and won by them (instead of only ever being able to move individual OPs forward).

    The intended design for Garrisons is such that a team can place one in order to support an attack or defence - but that they are not the key instrument in the attack. We have designed the shorter spawn times on the OPs, as well as the less restrictive placement rules to facilitate OPs as a way of moving your individual unit forward from the Garrison up to the point (or, sustaining your unit on a defensive point while the Garrison is designed to sustain the individual units from a lower risk position).

    With this in mind, the best outcome we feel would be to enable the placement of a Garrison in the first row of red zone (critically - not deep behind enemy lines) in order to enable a forward assault starting point, but ideally not within 250m of the strongpoint itself (therefore preserving the ability for the defenders to engage in meaningful combat without immediately being overrun).

    How to achieve this:

    We feel that there are several options here, each with different levels of work attached.

    • Change the rules to exclude enemy garrisons from 250m of the defenders strong point. We feel that this would solve the issues experienced by defenders, but also enable attackers to open up flanking fronts to assault the strongpoint (critically, enabling a spawn location for Officers to begin their assaults using OPs). While this idea would most likely solve the issues, we feel that stopping players from building near the very place they want to attack will feel unintuitive and too gamey.
    • Alter the fragility of Garrisons in red zones. This could be done by making them inactive with a larger enemy radius (ie. if an enemy is within 100m of the Garrison, it becomes locked), able to be destroyed by large proximity (ie. removed if an enemy is within 100m) etc. This would encourage players to place attacking Garrisons in safer locations that promoted more telegraphed attacks.
    • Enable players to build Garrisons in adjacent sectors in the row, but not in the active sector (similar to Offensive mode). The key issue we see here is that central sectors will always struggle more as they will need to fight a two front war - although this is something that will always be present within the game to a degree.

    A Side Note


    Typically with Hell Let Loose, we like to try and make sure most game problems are solvable by the Commander, the Infantry or the Armor. This issue when it comes to the Commander leans heavily on the use of the Airhead.

    In playing consistently with this feature, we feel it’s wise to greatly increase the time the Airhead is active from one minute to five. Design around the airhead is to create a fragile but potent spawn location that can be used by attackers to begin an assault from within the redzone. While this is working - the short duration it’s active means that the opportunity is often missed. To counter this, we will be extending the duration, while also messaging to the team that an Airhead is active.


    We’re yet to add halftracks, but our design for them positions them very much as a mobile garrison that is able to be used within the red zone. While “one man with a box” is extremely difficult to counter by defenders, we feel that a large and fragile vehicle represents an acceptable visual and sound signature to enable Garrison functionality within the defenders territory.

    Our feeling here is that the halftrack - used cautiously - could work as either a fallback spawn point for defenders, a wide flank launch point for attackers - or a creeping garrison pushing directly towards the strongpoint.


    We want to preserve the frontline push and pull of the teams, but better enable attackers to “solidify” their gains into enemy territory by being able to place a Garrison, instead of being arbitrarily locked to sector edge garrisons.

    2. Win and Loss Scoring


    Something that can be seen both in the competitive scene as well as the public scene is that the nature of scoring wins and losses in Warfare mode promotes stagnant “hold the middle” gameplay. Teams will often push to the center, take the neutral sector and then hold the point for the duration of the game. This leads to boring gameplay - including forced total time limit game - and overly simplistic victory conditions.

    Proposed Fix:

    Instead of awarding victory based on whoever has the most territory at the end of the game, we will change the sector reward value to represent a score. Capturing the third sector will still award victory, but the scoring will be cumulative instead of fixed.

    • For capturing the middle territory, your team will be rewarded with 1 point.
    • For capturing the first enemy row, your team will be rewarded with 2 points.
    • For capturing the second enemy row, your team will be rewarded with 3 points and Victory.
    • For retaking your own previously captured rows, you will only be rewarded with 1 point for each row retaken.

    For example:

    • Team 1 takes the neutral territory and is rewarded with 1 point.
    • Team 2 attacks and takes the neutral territory off them. Both teams are 1-1.
    • Team 2 attacks and takes the first row of Team 1. Team 2 is rewarded 2 points and now has a total of 3 points. 3-1
    • Team 1 attacks and retakes their first row. 3-2
    • Team 1 attacks and takes the center row. 3-3
    • Team 1 attacks and takes the first row of Team 2. 3-5
    • Team 1 attacks and takes the second row of Team 2, winning the game: 3-8.

    Public Games:

    In this way, we feel that public games will become far more dynamic, and that aggressive teams will be rewarded for successfully pushing forward. In order to encourage this, we may look at rewarding greater total victory experience to teams that capture row 3, as opposed to trigger a score victory.

    Competitive Games:

    In terms of the competitive scene, we feel that this is a great way of scoring games across a season - encouraging each team to try to win the highest number of points within a game to enable them to compete on a broader scale.

    Instead of a binary “win/loss”, this would represent a much deeper idea of how the game progressed, as well as create greater competition as each team is trying to earn as many potential points as possible to keep them in best standing for a season.


    • Team 1 wins 9-4 in game 1 against Team 2.
    • Team 3 wins 5-3 in game 2 against Team 4.

    The result would be:

    • Team 1
    • Team 3
    • Team 2
    • Team 4

    As opposed to the current system in which Team 1 and Team 3 are considered equal - despite Team 1 playing a better game.

    To Wrap Up

    Our ongoing commitment to you - our community - is to attempt to find the best solutions for each issue that arises over the course of development - from TTK issues to fences to armour hitboxes to metagame. While we often don’t get things right the first time, we are committed to continuing to find the best possible fixes and solutions that capture the spirit of the game, while also dealing with endemic issues.

    Next week the team will continue talking through through the meta issues, as we’re aware that there are quite a few. Increasingly in development we’ll start to use dev briefings as a platform by which we can share our thinking about key issues. Obviously, we’re also aware that with a community this size - answers are very rarely monolithically correct, and that many people may love an idea or feature, while others may despise it. As developers, this is a very difficult line to tread, but we’re keen to keep as much transparency as possible during our update cycles.

    In any case, we’re very excited to work with you to improve Hell Let Loose as much as we can. We’re already hard at work on continued polish, optimisation, future content and solutions to the issues discussed above. We’re particularly excited to follow the conversations around this dev brief and will be keen to see the conversation evolve.

    We'll see you on the frontline!

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

  • Auch Hell Let Loose ist am arbeiten :)

    Hey everyone,

    Welcome to Dev Brief #109 and the first briefing of 2021!

    To get the ball rolling we're starting small and focused this week as we look to revealing and diving into the larger parts of Update 9 in the briefs to come.

    But having said that, this week's brief will be pleasing on the eye and your weapon firing satisfaction so without further waiting I'll pass you over to Max!

    Happy New Year everyone!

    A Message from Max - Weaponry: Visual and Zeroing Upgrades

    Hi everyone,

    It’s our first week back into the studio and as a result of us getting busy again we’ve got a relatively low-key dev briefing for you this week before we can start to dive into the larger aspects of Update 9 and beyond.

    Weapon Visual Upgrade

    A key visual element of first person shooters are the weapons, hands and arms that take up large portions of screen real-estate the entire time you play the game. While we managed to overhaul our hands and sleeves in Update 7, we didn’t manage to tackle a visual upgrade of our weapons - arguably the most significant objects in the game and certainly objects that deserve to be the best quality we can make them.

    The Technical Side

    For Update 9, the art team has been keen to audit these areas and have rebuilt an entirely new procedural texture system in line with AAA workflows. Previously, older texturing workflows relied on several unique textures for each model in the game. You would have three textures that would make up the Kar 98k, and as a result of texture budgets, you’d need to either handle these in an extremely clever way, or simply downgrade the resolution of them in order to make them cost effective - resulting in a total loss of detail.

    New Modelled Barrel


    In the last three years, with the advent of much more widely used photoreal lighting and material creation processes, the philosophy behind texturing has changed significantly. Instead of creating three separate unique textures for each of the 40+ weapons and pieces of equipment in Hell Let Loose (roughly 120 different textures), the use of “smart materials” means that we are now able to create a “metal material”, “wood material” and “bakelite material” using three textures in each. We then take each weapon or piece of equipment in Hell Let Loose and set up one single very low res texture that acts as a mask. It basically let’s us tell the barrel of a gun to use the metal material, while the stock is told to use the wood material and so on.

    The result of this is incredible. Instead of using 120 different textures, we’re able to look at guns like the Thompson, BAR, Garand, K98k and so on and simply use the same three wood textures and the same three metal textures - each contained within a custom material that lets us change the way these behave per gun. The first weapon to benefit from the early version of this system (that we’ve now taken much further) was the MP40.

    So what does this mean? Ultimately, it offers a really significant optimisation for GPU and texture memory that will be best felt on low end machines, while also enabling us to maintain incredibly high quality detail very close to the camera. In essence, through some clever overhaul, we’re able to optimise and drastically improve the visual quality of every weapon in the game. In addition, it also means we’re able to create weapons far faster - as once the model is made and the single mask texture has been created, we can procedurally texture in minutes.

    Kar98K Scoped - Current Version


    Kar98K Scoped - New Version


    This technology is also important because we’ll be implementing this into the way we work on other things in the game - like vehicles, props and other objects. The end result should fundamentally be a significant improvement to frames and visual quality. In addition, this system also gives us the ability to dynamically texture the weapon - adding fingerprints, blood flecks and eventually mud, snow and raindrops.

    Luger - Current Version


    Luger - New Version


    As a side note, we’re also fixing any incorrect text on weapons while cleaning up each model. A small example is that the M1919 is now a far better looking gun with proper modelled holes on the barrel.

    Weapon Zeroing Fix

    We’re also excited to announce that we’ve fixed the often talked about issue of the weapon zeroing that was introduced with the ballistics systems. Each weapon is now zeroed correctly and far better models the real life trajectory. For laymen, the outcome of this is that it no longer feels like the bullet is “falling out of the barrel” - instead travelling straighter for far longer. While this has applied to all weapons, it is especially satisfying on the lower caliber weapons and vehicle mounted coaxial and hull machineguns.

    In addition, we discovered a nasty bug with regard to the tank mounted machine guns that cause the bullets to occasionally not register with infantry at certain angles. We’re currently looking at fixes for this.

    Weapon Tease!

    That wraps up Max's post on the upcoming weapon visual upgrades and weapon zeroing fixes!

    What we shared today is just the tip of the iceberg for Update 9 and we look forward to sharing lots more with you as we move through early 2021.

    Now before we sign off for the weekend, can anyone figure out what upcoming weapon this belongs to?


    We'll see you on the frontline!

    Positiv bewerten




    Do., 7. Januar

    Steam Achievements Incoming - Initial Roll-Out Information!

    Hey everyone,

    We hope you've all had a good week so far!

    We just wanted to quickly update you that you’ll start to see aspects of the upcoming Steam achievements rolling through in different ways (some being listed on Steam but obscured). We’ve plugged them in as just a very minor aspect of the next update.

    We appreciate that for many players achievements are not their desired priority, and we want to assure you that not only was this a very minor piece of work, it was a value-add to our work on adding additional telemetry to the game that will help us get a much greater sense of role usage, map popularity, average game length and weapon usage.

    Just to let you know - In addition to this, we’re also investigating an increase in Vivox VOIP connection issues. We really appreciate your patience and reports on this while we investigate these problems as a matter of priority.

    We'll be back again tomorrow for our weekly Dev Brief!

    See you on the frontline.

    Positiv bewerten




    Do., 31. Dezember 2020

    Developer Briefing #108 - The 2020 End of Year Review!

    Hey everyone,

    Welcome to Dev Brief #108!

    To see out 2020, Max has put together an end of year review as we look at some of the biggest content drops that Hell Let Loose received over the last twelve months, as well turning our gaze to 2021...

    Over to you, Max!

    A Message from Max - The Hell Let Loose 2020 End of Year Review

    Hi everyone,

    2020 has been an enormous and historic year - with the loss of loved ones, jobs and even just the normal rhythms of life. Amidst that, we’ve been very fortunate to be able to continue work on Hell Let Loose, and have been thankful for the support we’ve seen for the game from the existing community and new players.

    Because of this, we’ve been able to expand the team and increase production on all fronts. As a result, 2021 will be a huge year for Hell Let Loose. We’ll be seeking to leave Early Access, introduce a whole new front and the Soviet forces - an entirely new army. On top of that we’ll be continuing to polish, optimise and expand the existing game.

    2020 was a very challenging year for us as a dev team. It marked significant milestones in our overhauling of previous systems and has set us up well for the future - with hastily formulated solutions (line trace ballistics, the way we handle mapping, our entire animation system etc.) finally given new life with our desired solutions.

    In a quick look back, here are some of the major pieces of content or overhauls added to the game:

    Update 5 in February saw the introduction of Purple Heart Lane, the US heavy tank variants and the overhauled non-verbal communication system.

    Update 6 in late April introduced Hill 400, as well as our ballistics overhaul, the addition of the Scout cars, the Recon Plane Commander ability among many others.

    Update 7 in mid July introduced the total FPP and TPP animation overhaul, the total firearms sound effects overhaul, Carentan and the Foy overhaul among many other changes.

    Finally, Update 8 was introduced in early December and saw the introduction of transport and supply trucks, satchel charges, hammers, blowtorches, the Grease Gun, the overhaul of Hurtgen Forest, the overhaul of the supply and fortification systems, the introduction of a hit box system and the total overhaul of all explosion and heavy weapon sound effects and visual effects.

    Because of the support and interest of the community, we’re in the fortunate position of being able to confidently plan many more years of content to come. In what is now an established tradition, we’ll continue to share what we’re working on with you in the weekly dev briefings.

    Finally, thank you for your patience in the journey of our development. While we always strive to fix, polish, optimise and expand the game in the right order and as fast as possible, we know that we often make mistakes or introduce issues - or may have prioritised something high on the list only to discover a more pressing issue emerges. While it’s happened before, we know it’ll happen again and we thank you for your patience in allowing us the time to work to fix these issues. Our commitment is to work as quickly and efficiently as possible to address all community feedback, as well as continue to expand different aspects of the game.

    While we’ve often said the Hell Let Loose journey has just begun, it’s appropriate to now say that 2021 will be the end of the beginning. We’re very excited for the year ahead and are looking forward to working with you to continue to refine the game. With the Western and Eastern fronts coming into play, we still have huge development milestones to tackle - melee combat, Campaign mode and flamethrowers to name only a few. We have many more different maps to create - each with entirely new gameplay challenges. We have new vehicles, new weapons, improvements to the meta, new effects, new sound effects, new cosmetic options, new Commander abilities and more.

    We hope you have a wonderful new year and look forward to seeing you on the frontline in 2021!


    Positiv bewerten




    Fr., 18. Dezember 2020

    Developer Briefing #107 - Metagame: What Works, What Doesn't & What's Next!

    Hey everyone,

    Welcome to Dev Brief #107!

    This week we're talking about the meta! Specifically what we feel is working, what we think isn't and what we're doing to change it.

    We were originally planning to talk about this over the last few weeks, but due to Update 8 and Patch shenanigans we had to push this topic back slightly... But now the time has come!

    Project Lead Max has put together the team's thoughts on what we're seeing and what we've learned from all of your feedback on how the meta plays and feels at the moment.

    Now, lets get stuck in shall we!

    A Message From Max - The Metagame!

    Hi everyone,

    Now that the dust has settled on both Update 8 and Patch 14, we thought we’d take the chance to address several large metagame issues that we’ll be looking to solve in the near future. In order to best address them, we’re keen to not only discuss them here, but use this dev brief as a jumping off point for wider community discussion.

    1. Red Zone Garrisons

    Initial Issue

    Previously, defensive players would often be incredibly overwhelmed and hamstrung by attacking players who would sneak into the strongpoint (or just behind it) and drop down a Garrison (referred to as a “ninja garrison”). This would then negate all measures the defenders had in place, by enabling the attacking team to dump their entire force onto the point extremely quickly.

    The key issues here were that this completely dissolved the “frontline” aspect of the game and enabled near instantaneous leverage of entire teams into action behind or on top of the enemy line. In effect - 1 (and at most - 2) players could leverage the entire attacking team into a single location, with the defending team unable to parry this attack by virtue of it being so easy to initiate.

    In order to preserve the sense of a front line, and better telegraph the loss of ground and enemy thrusts, the ability to place Garrisons in “red zones” was removed. This was largely to see if teams could successfully leverage an assault with 3-4 Officers using OPs in the red zone instead of the single Garrison.

    Positive Result

    The positive result has been in far more stable front line combat. The movement back and forth of teams directly correlates to their positioning, and attacks can be telegraphed and thwarted by defenders.

    Negative Result

    The downside has been the often-stagnation of teams into pure attack or defense - largely due to the asymmetry of leveraging assaults. Instead of being able to move 4-5 Officers into an attacking position using a Garrison, multiple individual Officers must now attack together in order to present a significant enough front to successfully push a defended strong point.

    For example, in the following image we can see more than 6 individual Officers have manoeuvred to the same location in order to place down OPs. While this is encouraging to see, the inability to quickly deploy attacking Officers (and therefore OPs and units) into flanking or attacking positions (that have won ground against the defenders).


    Thinking Around a Fix

    Ultimately, we do not want to return to the days of ninja garrisons that enabled one or two players to leverage the entire attacking team into the point in the blink of an eye. At the same time, we want to enable attacking teams to be able to properly establish an assault with a Garrison from an offset or close location in territory that has already been cleared and won by them (instead of only ever being able to move individual OPs forward).

    The intended design for Garrisons is such that a team can place one in order to support an attack or defence - but that they are not the key instrument in the attack. We have designed the shorter spawn times on the OPs, as well as the less restrictive placement rules to facilitate OPs as a way of moving your individual unit forward from the Garrison up to the point (or, sustaining your unit on a defensive point while the Garrison is designed to sustain the individual units from a lower risk position).

    With this in mind, the best outcome we feel would be to enable the placement of a Garrison in the first row of red zone (critically - not deep behind enemy lines) in order to enable a forward assault starting point, but ideally not within 250m of the strongpoint itself (therefore preserving the ability for the defenders to engage in meaningful combat without immediately being overrun).

    How to achieve this:

    We feel that there are several options here, each with different levels of work attached.

    • Change the rules to exclude enemy garrisons from 250m of the defenders strong point. We feel that this would solve the issues experienced by defenders, but also enable attackers to open up flanking fronts to assault the strongpoint (critically, enabling a spawn location for Officers to begin their assaults using OPs). While this idea would most likely solve the issues, we feel that stopping players from building near the very place they want to attack will feel unintuitive and too gamey.
    • Alter the fragility of Garrisons in red zones. This could be done by making them inactive with a larger enemy radius (ie. if an enemy is within 100m of the Garrison, it becomes locked), able to be destroyed by large proximity (ie. removed if an enemy is within 100m) etc. This would encourage players to place attacking Garrisons in safer locations that promoted more telegraphed attacks.
    • Enable players to build Garrisons in adjacent sectors in the row, but not in the active sector (similar to Offensive mode). The key issue we see here is that central sectors will always struggle more as they will need to fight a two front war - although this is something that will always be present within the game to a degree.

    A Side Note


    Typically with Hell Let Loose, we like to try and make sure most game problems are solvable by the Commander, the Infantry or the Armor. This issue when it comes to the Commander leans heavily on the use of the Airhead.

    In playing consistently with this feature, we feel it’s wise to greatly increase the time the Airhead is active from one minute to five. Design around the airhead is to create a fragile but potent spawn location that can be used by attackers to begin an assault from within the redzone. While this is working - the short duration it’s active means that the opportunity is often missed. To counter this, we will be extending the duration, while also messaging to the team that an Airhead is active.


    We’re yet to add halftracks, but our design for them positions them very much as a mobile garrison that is able to be used within the red zone. While “one man with a box” is extremely difficult to counter by defenders, we feel that a large and fragile vehicle represents an acceptable visual and sound signature to enable Garrison functionality within the defenders territory.

    Our feeling here is that the halftrack - used cautiously - could work as either a fallback spawn point for defenders, a wide flank launch point for attackers - or a creeping garrison pushing directly towards the strongpoint.


    We want to preserve the frontline push and pull of the teams, but better enable attackers to “solidify” their gains into enemy territory by being able to place a Garrison, instead of being arbitrarily locked to sector edge garrisons.

    2. Win and Loss Scoring


    Something that can be seen both in the competitive scene as well as the public scene is that the nature of scoring wins and losses in Warfare mode promotes stagnant “hold the middle” gameplay. Teams will often push to the center, take the neutral sector and then hold the point for the duration of the game. This leads to boring gameplay - including forced total time limit game - and overly simplistic victory conditions.

    Proposed Fix:

    Instead of awarding victory based on whoever has the most territory at the end of the game, we will change the sector reward value to represent a score. Capturing the third sector will still award victory, but the scoring will be cumulative instead of fixed.

    • For capturing the middle territory, your team will be rewarded with 1 point.
    • For capturing the first enemy row, your team will be rewarded with 2 points.
    • For capturing the second enemy row, your team will be rewarded with 3 points and Victory.
    • For retaking your own previously captured rows, you will only be rewarded with 1 point for each row retaken.

    For example:

    • Team 1 takes the neutral territory and is rewarded with 1 point.
    • Team 2 attacks and takes the neutral territory off them. Both teams are 1-1.
    • Team 2 attacks and takes the first row of Team 1. Team 2 is rewarded 2 points and now has a total of 3 points. 3-1
    • Team 1 attacks and retakes their first row. 3-2
    • Team 1 attacks and takes the center row. 3-3
    • Team 1 attacks and takes the first row of Team 2. 3-5
    • Team 1 attacks and takes the second row of Team 2, winning the game: 3-8.

    Public Games:

    In this way, we feel that public games will become far more dynamic, and that aggressive teams will be rewarded for successfully pushing forward. In order to encourage this, we may look at rewarding greater total victory experience to teams that capture row 3, as opposed to trigger a score victory.

    Competitive Games:

    In terms of the competitive scene, we feel that this is a great way of scoring games across a season - encouraging each team to try to win the highest number of points within a game to enable them to compete on a broader scale.

    Instead of a binary “win/loss”, this would represent a much deeper idea of how the game progressed, as well as create greater competition as each team is trying to earn as many potential points as possible to keep them in best standing for a season.


    • Team 1 wins 9-4 in game 1 against Team 2.
    • Team 3 wins 5-3 in game 2 against Team 4.

    The result would be:

    • Team 1
    • Team 3
    • Team 2
    • Team 4

    As opposed to the current system in which Team 1 and Team 3 are considered equal - despite Team 1 playing a better game.

    To Wrap Up

    Our ongoing commitment to you - our community - is to attempt to find the best solutions for each issue that arises over the course of development - from TTK issues to fences to armour hitboxes to metagame. While we often don’t get things right the first time, we are committed to continuing to find the best possible fixes and solutions that capture the spirit of the game, while also dealing with endemic issues.

    Next week the team will continue talking through through the meta issues, as we’re aware that there are quite a few. Increasingly in development we’ll start to use dev briefings as a platform by which we can share our thinking about key issues. Obviously, we’re also aware that with a community this size - answers are very rarely monolithically correct, and that many people may love an idea or feature, while others may despise it. As developers, this is a very difficult line to tread, but we’re keen to keep as much transparency as possible during our update cycles.

    In any case, we’re very excited to work with you to improve Hell Let Loose as much as we can. We’re already hard at work on continued polish, optimisation, future content and solutions to the issues discussed above. We’re particularly excited to follow the conversations around this dev brief and will be keen to see the conversation evolve.

    We'll see you on the frontline!

    Positiv bewerten




    Do., 17. Dezember 2020

    Patch 14 - Live Now!

    Hey everyone,

    Before we delve into the patch notes we just want to say thank you to everyone for your support and feedback following Update 8's arrival!

    Today's patch is a possible thanks to the community's feedback, patience and comments both here on Steam as well as our other social hubs.

    If there's something you've fed back that hasn't been addressed or mentioned today, fear not - just because it isn't in here doesn't mean it isn't on our radar.

    Now, let's get stuck in shall we:

    Patch 14 - The Notes

    • Bypass server queue not allowed - bug fixed where it was causing mass disconnects on map change.
    • Vote kick threshold raised - will require a much higher % of the team for a vote to succeed. This is one of the most painful features we’ve ever worked on in HLL. Too low and people continually troll by kicking people - too high and it’s useless. Ultimately we’re looking at the ability for server owners to enable/disable vote kick and also player reporting and admin logging for U9.
    • Vivox/Voip issues, we are watching this closely and have made one or two bug fixes.
    • Fix for super grainy/sharp broken AA. While these changes benefitted TAA, they multiplied the effect on other forms of AA. We will be hand implementing these settings to TAA for Update 9.
    • Fix fallen burned tree collisions on Hurtgen forest so players can step over them.
    • Make all wire fences ignore collision from bullets, tank shells and heavy weapons.
    • Changes across the BAR, Thompson, MP40, K98k, Garand, G43, M3 Grease Gun weapons to reduce damage drop off at range, as players landing difficult, accurate shots were punished for their efforts.
    • We also increased the shots to kill on extremities for some of these weapons, while returning the STG and BAR to their OHK status. The result is that all of these weapons now play closer to their U7 variants, while still punishing shots that hit the lower legs and feet.
    • Fixed: The SFX for exiting ocean water can be heard within 500m.
    • Slightly lowered semi-automatic recoil. It now sits just above half way between the original and the new. We played with this every day since the Update and found that the new recoil was slightly too strong.
    • Applied bullet penetration to many irritating materials that we’d missed (wire fences, small wooden posts).
    • Fixes for collision occurring on things it shouldn’t (grass on the top of embankments, some reeds, some other foliage, window and door openings on some buildings).
    • Fixed a few dozen map bugs reported by QA and the Community.
    • Partial fix for grass loading slowly. Much more should now have loaded when you spawn, but there’s still more work we can do here.
    • Removed medals from the player nameplate HUD icons, as their scaling often totally broke the visual and was more distracting than useful. We’ll look at implementing this after we revise the idea. The medals are still present in the scoreboard and Barracks.
    • Various server crash fixes, and improvements made to address reports of ‘rubber-banding’.
    • Fixed Sapper being available before level 3 for the US Engineer.

    That wraps up today's patch notes!

    As always we'll be watching for and collating your feedback on these changes and fixes as we continue to craft Hell Let Loose throughout Early Access.

    If you haven't already downloaded the free 'Winter Warfare Helmet Pack' you can do so for a limited time below:

    Hell Let Loose - Winter Warfare Helmet Pack Hell Let Loose - Winter Warfare Helmet Pack 19. Dez. 2019 Strategie Action Indie Simulation Gewalt Kostenlos spielen!

    We'll see you on the frontline!

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!

  • ey everyone,

    We hope you've all had a good week so far!

    We just wanted to quickly update you that you’ll start to see aspects of the upcoming Steam achievements rolling through in different ways (some being listed on Steam but obscured). We’ve plugged them in as just a very minor aspect of the next update.

    We appreciate that for many players achievements are not their desired priority, and we want to assure you that not only was this a very minor piece of work, it was a value-add to our work on adding additional telemetry to the game that will help us get a much greater sense of role usage, map popularity, average game length and weapon usage.

    Just to let you know - In addition to this, we’re also investigating an increase in Vivox VOIP connection issues. We really appreciate your patience and reports on this while we investigate these problems as a matter of priority.

    We'll be back again tomorrow for our weekly Dev Brief!

    See you on the frontline.

    frunds1.jpg Wir Deutschen fürchten nur Gott sonst nichts auf der Welt!


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