Beiträge von Plattfuss

    Das Release-Datum ist der 11.11.2008

    Es wird auf jeden Fall wieder einen CTF-Modus als Multiplayer geben!

    Es wird Fahrzeuge auf allen Seiten geben, T34 hab ich schon in Aktion gesehen!

    Hier noch ein paar News auf Englisch:


    Call of Duty: World at War

    Developer: Treyarch
    Publisher: Activision
    Engine: Call of Duty 4 Engine (Proprietary)
    Platforms: Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC, Wii, Nintendo DS, (Playstation 2 ??)
    Releas Date: 11 November 2008 (rumored)

    Building on the Call of Duty 4 engine, Call of Duty: World at War thrusts players into the ruthless and gritty chaos of WWII combat like never been before, and challenges them to band together to survive the most harrowing and climactic battles of WWII that led to the demise of the Axis powers on the European and South Pacific fronts. The title re-defines WWII games by offering an uncensored experience with unique enemies and combat variety, including Kamikaze fighters, ambush attacks, Banzai charges and cunning cover tactics, as well as explosive on-screen action through all new cooperative gameplay.

    Their will be online and single player achivements.



    M1A1 Thompson (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op)
    M1A1 Carbine (Screenshot)(Pre-order Announcement) Available at Level 15
    M1 Garand (Screenshot & Trailer&Co-op)
    Trench Shotgun (Screenshot)
    Browning Automatic Rifle (B.A.R) (Co-op Video)
    M1903 Springfield (Screenshot)
    M1903 Springfield Scoped (Screenshot)
    M2 Flamethrower (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    M1911 (Also known as Colt 45) (Co-op Video)
    Bajonet (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op)
    M9 Bazooka (Co-op Video)
    Browning M1919A6 (Screenshot)
    M2 Machine Gun (Screenshot)

    American Explosives

    MK2 Frag Grenade (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    Smoke Grenade (Trailer)
    Satchel Charges (Screenshot)
    Mines (Can't be seen)

    Russian Weapons

    TT-33 (Screenshot & Trailer)
    Mosin Nagant (Screenshot & Trailer)
    Mosin Nagant Scoped (Screenshot)
    PPSH (71 Round Drum Magazine) (Screenshot)
    PPSH (31 Round Banana Magazine) (Trailer)
    Bajonet (Trailer & Screenshot)

    Russian Explosives

    RGD-33 (Trailer & Screenshot)

    German Weapons

    P08 Luger (Screenshot)
    Kar98 (Screenshot)
    Kar98 Scoped (Screenshot)
    MP44 (Also known as STG-44) (Screenshot)
    MP40 (Screenshot)
    MG42 (Screenshot)
    MG34 (Screenshot)
    Knife (Screenshot)

    German Explosives

    Stielhandgranate (Screenshot)

    Japanese Weapons

    Nambu 14 (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    Arisaka Type 99(Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    Type 100 Submachine gun (Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    Bajonet(Screenshot & Trailer & Co-op Video)
    Katana (Screenshot & Trailer)

    Japanese Explosives

    Kiska Grenade (Screenshot)

    British Weapons

    Sten SMG (Screenshot)

    Random Explosives

    Molotov Cocktail (CHEFS) (Probably Russian)


    There will not be a beta but their is still the possibility of a demo.

    Consoles: 1-18
    PC's: 1-32
    Co-op: 2-4

    Some modes will have 2 players,8,12,and 18.

    CoD: WaW will include four-player online co-op for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC, while the console versions will also allow soldiers to pair up offline for local split-screen gameplay, with "a unique co-op mode for two players" reserved for soldiers waggling on the Wii. However, the game's online focus won't end with simply gunning down enemy soldiers and offering moral support to buddies trying to make it through the game's "darker themes." Activision notes that Call of Duty: World at War will shell out persistent experience points to players participating in both competitive and cooperative online battles, as well as a difficulty curve that will scale depending on "a player's experience rank and rank of the player's friends.

    Multiplayer looks a lot like COD4:MW, in regards to the Graphic User Interface and Gameplay. Those who love the predecessor, will feel right at home. Party lobby, load screens, map selection, etc., all look quite familiar.

    Perks – Yes, they are indeed back. To answer the overwhelming concern, last I heard, YES, Martyrdom and Juggernaught will be making a return. They will be balanced by counter perks and it’s being discussed whether perks such as Martyrdom & Last Stand will be viable if you do not still have that perk’s tool in your arsenal (Realism v Gameplay).

    XP – Experience points are back, you can earn them in MP as well as in Co-op in order to unlock new weapons, attachments, etc. Again, Challenges take the place of online Achievements and will add to your overall XP. Keep in mind, what your skill is in MP, will determine what the AI is in online Co-op. Since you earn XP in Co-op, the better you are, the harder the AI opposition will be!

    Maps – The first SP map Maikin Raid was an MP map (not sure of the name). Kind of cool because if you are say… getting shot at in a hut, you can shoot out a wall, jump in the water, and flank your enemy. There was another map with a big building, good short-medium range, and another that was more urban warfare type in the streets. Names at the time were still TBD, so I’m not going to go into specifics on those. The urban street map, was in a night setting though.

    Kill Streak Bonus: Yes, they are back. At 3 kills you can launch a spy drone (they did exist in WWII) analogous to the UAV, at 5 kills you can call in an artillery strike, at 7… No one knows what it'll be but I’d bet something will be there to reward the gamer.

    Attachments will be back but instead of a red dot sight, you can get an iron cross sight. On what guns and such, I’m not sure… that’s the only one I saw. I’m sure many did indeed exist in WWII and will be present.

    Their will be Vehicles in “Certain Gametypes.” Not all Gametypes will include vehicles, so those who like them can play them, and vice-versa.

    A flamethrower will be available in the game, and is apparently based off of the design and handling of the armament in Return to Castle Wolfenstein. This lethal weapon can burn the skin off of your enemies.

    The player is able to shoot through cover, "with enough bullets, the player causes enough damage to one of the walls to create a hole big enough to walk through."

    The game allows you to swim for the first time in the series, although movement will be severely limited, with your character only capable of walking at half speed.

    You can use all the nations weapons even if you are on the other nation, just like in COD4, if your playing as an American you can still have a Kar98k in one of your classes.

    Their will be 65 lvls(ranks) and will have prestige (# of prestiges n/a).

    The Flamethrower is rumored of being a perk but no one knows for sure.

    Private matches will be similar to COD4.

    Their will be a party system similar to COD4's, The highest amount of players in a party will be 9.

    Their will not be a map editor for consoles but their will be one for PC's.

    Capture The Flag (CTF), will be making a return to WaW.

    Their will be online and single player achivements.

    Their will be a create-a-class system similar to COD4's.

    Players will be able to climb up trees and snipe from them.

    Der Mapper Killer9999 hat seine Map "DH-Dawnville" in der Beta1-Version rausgebracht.

    In der Nähe eines kleinen Dorfes in der Normandie ist ein Eisenbahndepot das erste Ziel der alliierten Invasionkräfte, aber zuerst muß das kleine Dorf gesichert werden, daß von den Deutschen eingenommen werden soll!

    Den Download gibt es hier:

    Die Map läuft bereits auf unseren DH-Servern!

    Der Mapper "Razorneck" hat seine Map "DH-Bois_Jacques" nun in der Beta1-Version rausgebracht.

    Allied Frontline
    Field HQ and First Aid Station
    Allied Supply Route

    Field HQ and the Aid Station are recappable

    Objective treeline is on the Axis side of the forest and not supposed to be held by the allies. I did this so the allies could spawn in their foxholes (and stay there) and when the germans cap the treeline the allies will spawn further back so the axis actually have a chance at capping the frontline without Americans spawning on top of them.

    The Axis have a Panther G
    The Allies have stolen fausts

    Both Axis and Allies have 2 arty attacks each and I recommend using them. Once the shells are raining down upon you, seek cover in the foxholes. That way you'll actually be able to live through the attack unless the shell hits your foxhole that is !

    Den Download gibt es hier:

    Die Map läuft bereits auf unseren beiden DH-Servern!

    Die DROL wird in der Sommerpause einen Mixed-Cup austragen. Es können sich sowohl Clanspieler als auch Publicspieler anmelden. Aus den dann vorhandenen Spielern werden Teams zusammengelost. Je nach Beteiligung wird dann die Anzahl der Teams und der Spielmodus festgelegt. Anmeldeschluß für die Meldung ist der 08.08.08. Am Freitag, den 08.08.08 treffen sich dann alle Teamleader um 20 Uhr im RO-TS, um dann zu entscheiden, wie der Cup dann genau ablaufen soll! Der Start des Cups wird ca. Ende August sein und ca. 4-6 Wochen dauern mit einem Spieltag pro Woche! Also dann mal fleißig anmelden!

    Hier geht´s zur Anmeldung:

    Die erst jetzt erschienene Map "DH-LeFosse" wurde inzwischen schon wieder optimiert und jetzt in der v1a-Version veröffentlicht.



    1) Decreased number of MGs - Now: 2 MG42s, 2 .30cals, 3 Bren LMGs

    2) Moved Final Objective to stop Axis from capping from far left hand side of the hill

    3) Clear top of hill of trees and added 2nd Allied bunker to help defenders on top of hill.

    Den Download gibt es hier:

    Die Map läuft bereits auf unseren Servern!

    Viel Spaß!

    Hier der komplette Changelog:

    St. Fromond

    This map features a revolutionary new approach to battles. It consists of 2 seperated zones, with fighting occurring simultaneously in both, and the outcome of the skirmish in one zone has a drastic impact on the battle raging in the other.

    The Allies must Secure the town of St Fromond and the vital bridge accross the Vire River, but constant artillery is falling onto the bridge area making it almost impossible for the bridge to be captured and repaired.

    A small squad of Allied tank crew are sent to silence these guns in the secondary zone in order to stop the shelling on the town. Once this objective is complete, the artillery barrages will cease on the main zone and the tank crew can then spawn into the main battle, where tanks will become available to assist in the attack.

    Axis artillery crew and officers attempt hold the guns in the secondary zone. They must hold off the attack by the tankers to enable the artillery to continue shelling the town. If they fail to hold the guns, they will then spawn into the main battle to help defend the final objectives.
    NOTE: This map release is beta due to lack of testers

    Le Fosse

    A small infantry only map, the Allies hold a hill with useable mortars situated at its peak. These mortars can be used to rain death down upon the advancing Germans. The Axis forces must capture a small cottage and a downed Stuka, before mounting a final assault on the hilltop Battery to take the mortar position and eradicate the Allied prescence in the area.
    NOTE: This map release is beta due to lack of testers

    Merville Manor

    A follow on map from Merville Battery. After securing the gun emplacements, the night has passed without incident for the British paratroopers. With the break of dawn however, the Germans counterattack and the Allies must drive them back by pushing further into enemy territory. From the compound's rear gate, they must fight their way to the nearby manor house and once there, setup a base of fire to repel the advancing Axis forces.
    NOTE: This map release is beta due to lack of testers


    The incredibly popular custom map by DarkLight mapper SchutzeSepp is now official!

    Elements of the 101st Airborne have advanced to the edge of the Bois Jacques forest on the outskirts of the town of Foy. Easy Company, 2nd battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, and Item Company, 3rd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne lead the Assault into the town of Foy at 0900 on 13January1945. Waiting for them however are the Pionier-Abteilung 26 (26th Volksgrenadier Engineer Battalion), a number of Anti-Tank guns from the Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 26 (26th Volksgrenadier Anti-Tank Battalion) and a Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) from the 244th Assault Gun Brigade. The fighting will be vicious and bloody...

    Foy introduces a novel method of "selectable spawns", enabling players to choose their spawn point and more effectively attack or defend where it's needed most. This map is also based on satellite data and photographs of Foy and the surrounding areas, in order to make it as accurate as possible.


    One of the more Popular Custom Maps out for Darkesthour at the moment.
    Allies have to advance through a forest and capture the objectives, then move out and capture the Pak bunkers to complete the map.

    Weapon and System Changes
    Major Changes

    [*] Bipod on Bren, BAR and FG42 are now deployed with the "Deploy" key, rather than the IronSights key to prevent accidental deployment in combat. Ironsights key can still be used to undeploy bipod however
    [*] Bazooka/Panzerschreck/PIAT accuracy increased drastically
    [*] When switching weapons from the Bazooka/Panzerschreck, any loaded rounds are now returned to a players inventory rather than being destroyed
    [*] The Bazooka/Panzerschreck class now starts with 1 initial rocket
    [*] New weapon sounds for M1 Garand, Colt M1911, and all Allied vehicles
    [*] Moved the ironsights away from the screen to increase view on the following weapons
    -M1 Garand
    -M1 Carbine
    -Enfield No. 4
    -Enfield No. 2
    -Sten SMG
    -Thompson SMG
    -M3 Greasegun

    Additional Changes

    [*] BAR/Bren/FG42 can now cancel reloading with the bipod deployed by using the undeploy key
    [*] Players can now resupply BAR/Bren with ammunition in the same way as an MG
    [*] Front sight bar narrowed to provide more accurate aiming on the following weapons
    -No. 4 Enfield
    -M1 Garand
    -M1 Carbine
    [*] 30 Cal MG now has rear sight flipped down when deployed
    [*] Springfield scope now has a plain crosshair
    [*] Slightly reduced FG42 recoil while using the bipod
    [*] Bazooka/Panzerschreck/PIAT now have a much smaller blast radius
    [*] Bazooka sights are now set 100/200/300 yards, rocket speed and arc have changed accordingly
    [*] Panzerschreck sights are now ranged for 100/150/200 metres, rocket speed and arc have changed accordingly
    [*] PIAT sights are now set to 70/100/130 yards, projectile speed and arc have changed accordingly
    [*] Players can now only resupply AT weapons once
    [*] Higgins boat speed decreased
    [*] Higgins boat tweaked to decrease chance of killing players standing in it, but who haven't "used" the vehicle
    [*] Main Menu screen now displays current game version

    Bug Fixes

    [*] Position 8 in Higgins boat no longer has the same player viewpoint as position 7
    [*] Players no longer fall through the floor when exiting a stationary Higgins boat
    [*] Players attempting to exit the Higgins boat while it is moving no longer appear outside the boat
    [*] Players exiting Higgins boat now appear in correct locations, rather than clumped on a single point at the back of the boat (halfway through the floor)
    [*] Players exiting the Higgins boat no longer find themselves facing backwards or a random angle. They now always face the front (the exit ramp)
    [*] Players' stance height now correctly adjusted when deploying the bipod on the BAR/Bren/FG42
    [*] Fixed bug where a proned player could deploy a BAR/Bren/FG42, then stand up with the bipod still deployed
    [*] No. 2 revolver firing animation no longer rapidly spins backwards after each shot
    [*] BAR's fire mode switch animation now plays correctly when in iron sights
    [*] BAR no longer plays cocking sound on non-empty reloads (when the bolt isn't worked in the animation)
    [*] Panzerschreck/Bazooka/PIAT weapon image is no longer squashed out of proportion on the role selection screen
    [*] Fixed a glitch where a PIAT could be fired twice without reloading
    [*] PIAT bomb now appears correctly on the weapon after a reload when playing online
    [*] Players can now only resupply MG weapons once
    [*] Fixed numerous issues and inconsistencies with Bazooka/Panzerschreck resupply
    [*] US Smoke Grenade sprint animation now starts correctly
    [*] Fixed Map Voting window so chat box and vote counts display properly
    [*] Fixed broken "In-Game Chat" (chat log) window
    [*] Darkest Hour menus now display correctly after a player is disconnected from a server instead of stock Red Orchestra ones

    Map Changes
    Omaha Beach Dog Green Sector

    [*] Removed east side of map to make fighting more concentrated
    [*] Removed sections of wall around main beach bunkers to allow better line of fire for AT guns
    [*] Added firing slots to main beach bunkers
    [*] Objectives are now more linear
    -1. Seawall Centre -> 2. WestBeachead -> 3. Crossroads -> 4. Church
    [*] West Seawall is now an optional objective
    [*] Crossroads is now the only recappable objective
    [*] Axis spawn at west beach-head moved - They now spawn in the underground bunker with the rear exit, which has been enlarged
    [*] Raised AT weapons for better line of fire.


    [*] Redid Allied spawn areas and added minefields for spawn protection
    [*] Added resupply points

    Merville Battery

    [*] Added door to Horsa to prevent people jumping out
    [*] Added spawn protection to all spawn areas


    Redid Axis spawns - There are now 2 FJ spawns in underground bunker until Gun 2 is lost, then 4 FJ spawns behind Gun 4.

    Whact Am Rhein

    All colisions removed from Trees - You can now shoot through them and hide in them.

    Benouville Bridge

    [*] Removed Allied anti-tank class. PIATs can still be picked up from gliders however
    [*] Added one Allied sniper

    Das Modteam von "Darkest Hour" hat nun die Beta1.1-Version ihres Mods veröffentlicht.

    In der Beta1.1-Version wurden diverse Bugs entfernt, einige neue Maps veröffentlicht und einige neue Features ins Spiel gebracht.

    Neue Maps:

    1. St. Fromont


    In dieser Map wurden diverse neue Features untergebracht. Die Alliierten müssen die Stadt St. Fromont sichern und die Brücke über den Fluß halten, aber konstantes Artilleriefeuer erschwert dieses Vorhaben.

    2. Le Fosse


    Dies ist eine kleine Infanteriemap in der die Alliierten einen Hügel mit benutzbaren Mörsern halten müssen.

    3. Merville Manor


    Dies ist die Folgemap von der Map Merville Battery. Im Morgengrauen geht die Schlacht weiter.

    Desweiteren wurden die schon bekannten Custommaps Foy und Hurtgenwald als Finalversion in den offiziellen Mappool aufgenommen.

    Auch an den Waffen und am allgemeinen System wurden diverse Veränderungen vorgenommen. Auch Bugs in den bereits bekannten Maps wurden behoben.

    Der komplette Changelog kann im folgenden Post eingesehen werden!

    Den Patch für das Update von Version 1.0b auf Version 1.1 gibt es hier zum Download:

    Download Darkest Hour 1.0b auf 1.1 Patch

    Die Komplettversion Beta 1.1 gibt es hier als rar-Datei:

    Download Darkest Hour Vollversion Beta1.1

    Unsere Server sind bereits umgestellt!

    Viel Spaß

    Plattfuss [SNIP]

    Der Mapper Linoleum hat seine Map "DH-Dunkirk" nun in der Beta1-Version veröffentlicht.

    Es gibt fünf Objekte, die auch nicht zurückerobert werden können. Die Alliierten müssen ein Objekt 20 Minuten halten.

    1. Road Barricade 1
    2. Farmhouse
    3. Road Barricade 2
    4. Crossroads
    5. Barn


    1 Offizier
    2 Bren MG´s
    Unlimitierte Gewehrschützen


    1 Offizier
    1 MG34
    3 Unterstützung
    Unlimitierte Gewehrschützen

    Kein Rauch, keine Sniper und keine Artillerie.

    Den Download gibt es hier:

    Die Map läuft bereits auf unseren DH-Servern!

    Viel Spaß!


Neue Bilder

  • Schlacht von Krupki Runde 3
  • New Black Powder houses
  • Fallschirmjäger auf Posten
  • Black Powder Game Maps und Environment