Release verschoben und neue Features

  • Das Modteam von Darkest Hour hat nun ein Januar-Update über den kommenden Patch veröffentlicht.

    In dem kommenden Patch wird es diverse Neuerungen geben, des Weiteren wurden auch wieder viele Bugs behoben. Leider kann das Modteam den ursprünglichen Release-Termin vom 31.1.09 nicht einhalten, da noch einige wichtige Dinge zu erledigen sind. Der genaue Release-Termin wird dann aber in Kürze bekanntgegeben.

    Das Modteam will nun wöchentlich über die Arbeit am kommenden Patch berichten und entschuldigt sich für die Verzögerung.

    Eine Liste der Neuerungen bzw. Veränderungen kann im folgenden Beitrag eingesehen werden!

    Die komplette Arbeit könnt ihr auf der Homepage von "Darkest Hour" einsehen:

    Viel Spaß beim Anschauen! :D


    Durch die Macht der Wahrheit habe ich als Lebender das Universum erobert.

  • Changelog:

    ***MAP LIST***

    DH-Bois Jacques: GIs defending against SS CA assault
    DH-Brecourt: US Airborne attack FJ/Heer artillery position
    DH-Carentan: US Airborne vs Fallschirmjager
    DH-Foy: GIs defending against German CA assault
    DH-Ginkel Heath: British Airborne vs SS outside Arnhem
    DH-Hill 108: GIs assault German bunker position
    DH-Raids: Fallschirmjager/heer defending against British CA Assault
    DH-Stavelot: GIs defending against German CA assault
    DH-Stoumont: CA German vs US

    Other maps tbc.

    ***NEW FEATURES***

    The first of the new features we're announcing is a further rework of our infantry wielded AT weaponry. The problems with resupply have been fixed and in addition, AT resupply has now been seperated from MG resupply, allowing 2 AT resupplies and 1 MG resupply. Using one does not affect the other and each is scored differently. We've also added the following new features to them:

    *Assisted AT Reloads*

    The Bazooka and Panzerschreck still reload very slowly on their own, however other players can now assist with this task. If the AT soldier has ammo, but isn't loaded, he/she can go into ironsights and either crouch or rest their weapon on an object and you will now be able to reload them extremely quickly by pressing the "Give Ammo" key. Players are awarded 1 point for a successful reload assist. When combined with the ability to now resupply AT soldiers with 2 rockets (worth 2 points per resupply), an AT soldier with an assistant is now a _serious_ threat to tanks. In combined arms maps, it is strongly recommended that teams assign a number of infantry to the sole duty of protecting their tanks.

    *Bazooka/Panzerschreck Back Blast*

    The exhaust from the Bazooka and Panzerschreck is no longer just for show. Careless players who are caught in the blast will be hurt or even killed depending on distance from the blast. In addition, AT soldiers must be careful about their firing positions and avoid enclosed spaces or having their backs against a wall, as exhaust that doesn't have a clear area to fill, will spread out along walls and back toward the firer, risking self-inflicted injury or death.

    *HEAT Round Penetration (AT Rockets)*

    The blast from infantry wielded AT weapons now penetrates objects and will kill soldiers on the other side of the object. Like a real HEAT round, the blast on the "impact side" of the object is negligible, however on the far side of the object the blast is MUCH larger and far more deadly. This means that Bazookas and such can be used to great effect for clearing fortified sniper and MG positions.

    *Improved Officer/Radioman Interaction*

    The next new feature we're discussion is regarding the issues with the radioman. It's been a long lamented issue that whenever a team most needs an arty strike, the radioman is nowhere to be found (and usually ends up being AFK back at spawn). Or alternatively, he'll be leading the charge, about as far away from the officer as he can get and about as likely to be located. To combat this, the radioman now has an incentive to stick with an officer - points. Every time an artillery strike is successfully called from his radio, he will receive 5 points immediately, regardless of how many enemy kills (or friendly kills) that strike may get.

    In case that isn't enough however, officers are now able to see the radioman's position marked on the map at all times, so long as he's alive. Other players are not able to see him, just the officer, meaning that in the event that your radioman is busy picking flowers in a forest at the back corner of the map, you'll still be able to find him and call in that crucial strike.

    ***BUG FIXES***

    Below are some of the bugs that we've fixed so far. These are mainly general or infantry related issues. Vehicle and map related problems will be listed at a later date.

    -Fixed Airborne radioman's radio displaying incorrect texture
    -Fixed problem where British players spawn with German infantry model/texture until they move
    -Fixed rare issue where German may spawn with a scrambled texture that fixes itself when they start moving
    -On Airborne maps, players spawning on the ground (rather than in planes) should no longer be carrying parachutes
    -Panzerschreck is now consistently spelled correctly, instead of having a variety of spellings in different places
    -Parachute icon in Role Selection screen no longer causes icon displacement, empty spaces or icon distortion
    -Firemode (semi/auto) HUD icon now displays correctly for the Sten
    -Officers can no longer call artillery from the place where a radioman was killed after his body has despawned
    -Stopped BAR, Bren and FG42 from being able to do melee attacks while their bipods were deployed
    -Players' sleeve textures now always show their own uniform, instead of changing to the enemy's when using enemy weapons
    -AT weapons no longer have to be dropped/picked up to be resupplied
    -Thompson SMG cocking handle no longer loops twice on single/last shots
    -Thompson SMG no longer uses the wrong animations when empty
    -Enfield No4 half-empty reload animation no longer starts halfway through (and is slightly longer as a result)
    -Colt M1911 no longer uses the wrong animations when empty
    -Sten no longer uses the wrong animations when empty
    -BAR bipod no longer flips through itself when going into/out of ironsights
    -Passengers "exiting" the Higgins boat no longer find themselves suddenly facing random directions
    -Allied tanks no longer have "double" hit effects whereby tracers and bullets weren't hitting the same locations


    These are just a sample of some of the changes and adjustments that have been made for the upcoming release. Again, these mainly focus on infantry adjustments. Vehicle changes will be discussed in a later update.

    -Damage for M1 Carbine, M1 Garand, Enfield No.4, BAR, Bren and 30 Cal slightly reduced
    -M1 Garand's accuracy reduced slightly
    -M1 Grenade & StielHandGranate blast radius reduced
    -Satchel Charge blast radius reduced
    -Satchel Charge damage slightly increased
    -MG34, MG42 and 30 Cal no longer fire tracers
    -Vehicle MG tracers are now a little smaller in length and less bright
    -Bazooka/Panzerschreck no longer need to be crouched and ironsighted to reload (except for assisted reloads)
    -Rear sight aperture enlargened on the Thompson, Sten and Greasegun
    -Commanders in tanks that have multiple zoom levels now have "zoomed out" as the default view. PrevWeapon will zoom in, NextWeapon will unbutton
    -Opel truck's max speed increased
    -Panther's hull mounted MG firing arc increased


    Durch die Macht der Wahrheit habe ich als Lebender das Universum erobert.

  • Die Idee mit den Bazooka-Teams finde ich sehr gut, ebenso die Möglichkeit des Gruppenführers einen Funker für Ari-Schläge zur Seite stehen zu haben ergibt ganz neue Möglichkeiten. Das Herausnehmen der MG-Leuchtspur stärkt außerdem den MG-Schützen, der seine Position jetzt nicht mehr so leicht beim Feuern verrät.

    PS: Sehe ich da einen MG-Schützen hinter der Kugelblende des Stugs?

  • Zitat von "BASE"

    PS: Sehe ich da einen MG-Schützen hinter der Kugelblende des Stugs?

    Das steht wenigstens in der Beschreibung des Bildes - ich bin gespannt!!


    Ich tue was ich kann - aber kann oft nicht was ich tue


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