Darkest Hour Beta-Patch 3.0.1 ist da!

  • Heute ist der neue Patch 3.0.1 für DH erscheinen. Dieser wird über STEAM veröffentlicht, also wird dieser bei den Clients automatisch eingespielt. Unsere DH-Server sind bereits aktualisiert!

    Hier der Changelog:

    ***BUG FIXES***

    - Fixed a glitch in the PIAT's penetration where it could barely penetrate a carboard box in the world, but could easily punch through nearly a metre of tank armour.
    - Fixed Bazooka and Panzerschreck initially showing 2x spare rockets when the player actually only had 1x.
    - Fixed Bazooka assisted reload using the wrong 3rd person animation.
    - Fixed Panzerschreck not showing any 3rd person reload animations at all (still shows short reload however instead of long).
    - Fixed problem where names longer than 20 chars were being trimmed on map change.
    - Fixed map loading screens not working due to maps having their names made lowercase in the server package.
    - Fixed British and Canadian tankers initially spawning with a "meatsuit" texture mashup.
    - Fixed players not getting credit for kills where they set a tank on fire, but were themselves dead when that tank exploded.
    - Fixed a rare glitch where a tank engine could sometimes be set on fire by small arms.
    - Cleaned up a number of errors that were filling the log.
    - Removed "Bolshevik" references in German insults.
    - Fixed magically floating clip being visible during bash animation with M1 Garand
    - Fixed .30 Cal MG shoot shooting slightly low
    - Fixed BAR bipod wiggle on deploy/undeploy
    - Fixed Garand "ping" not playing for anyone other than the player who fired the shot
    - Fixed bug where AT rockets could sometimes freeze in midair upon impact with a tank and then detonate when a player walked up to investigate
    - Fixed a problem where engine fires guaranteed a hull fire instead of it being a moderately small chance
    - Fixed glitch where bots would ignore the "Get Out" command when in a vehicle
    - Fixed bug where supersonic rounds were incorrectly making a "snap" sound for players within 1 metre of the firer (shouldn't start making "snap" noises until it's flown around 20 metres)
    - Fixed bug where frontal shots to tanks were occasionally registering as rear hits.
    - Fixed bug where missing tank treads appeared on the wrong side of the tank.
    - Fixed bug where the Panther and Jagdpanther could not lose their treads.
    - Misalignment of the Stug III's telescopic sight has been fixed.
    - Fixed a bug which prevented Sherman and Stuart ammo boxes from igniting
    - Fixed a major exploit whereby a tank with a dead engine could be driven away under the right circumstances
    - Fixed a major exploit whereby a tank with destroyed treads could be driven away under the right circumstances
    - Resolved the issue where tank drivers, tank commanders, and halftrack gunners could not take bullet damage
    - Fixed bug where a shot to the treads area on any tank would register zero damage to the vehicle
    - Fixed bug that prevented certain Allied tanks from losing their treads
    - Fixed bug where a shot to certain locations on the Stug and Jagdpanther would register as rear hits
    - Fixes issue where Firefly tread textures were running in reverse when vehicle was moving forward
    - Eliminated the wobble from the Sherman 75mm variants
    - Fixed the slow steering speed on the Allied jeep
    - Fixed issue where the Opel looks like it's floating a few inches off the ground
    - Raised head position of Firefly driver
    - Fixed bug where Cromwell treads would not disappear when knocked off
    - Deactivated free view (third person) on all tank cupolas
    - Fixed the wonky positioning of the M3 Halftrack gunner's model
    - Fixed floating gunner on Universal Carrier


    - Remodeled HE shell damage and radii to less gameplay dominating levels.
    - Target ranges can no longer be dialed in using Q and E keys on American fixed telescopic sights. Guns need to be simply elevated to the appropriate range mark depicted on the gunsight reticle.
    - Permanently removed range text from all American tank and American AT-Gun sights (cannot be toggled on/off with the config file)
    - Accuracy of shell ranges has been improved for all German and Allied AFV's.
    - AT rockets no longer comically deflect back at you when they fail armour penetration tests, they explode for no damage instead (splash damage still affects nearby infantry).
    - Added blur and shake effects to AT round impacts.
    - Tracers are slightly brighter.
    - Tracers are slightly less frequent.
    - Slightly increased blast radius for both grenade types.
    - Made minor adjustments to recoil on the Bren, BAR, MP40, Greasegun and Sten.
    - Adjusted U.S. winter uniform colouration to hopefully be easier for people to differentiate on "Autumn" maps like Stoumont
    - Panzerschreck 1st person animation no longer loads an incorrect shell model
    - Adjusted Panzerschreck and Bazooka solo reload animations to be more natural at the beginning and end
    - Adjusted aiming hand and throwing arm on grenade animation to more accurately represent the point of aim
    - Adjusted BAR sprint animation to look less unnatural
    - Enfield No. 4 sniper now reloads slightly faster
    - Moved Scope closer in on enfield.
    - Replaced BAR and Carbine firing sounds
    - Removed reload stance restrictions on PIAT
    - Removed crouch/deploy restriction on Bazooka/Panzerschreck assisted reload (must still be sighted however)
    - Changed US/Brit tanker severed limbs to some that better match the soldiers they've been blown off
    - Dropped MG's no longer lose their spare barrel - a side effect however is that non-MG classes who pickup an MG can now change barrels
    - Players will no longer incur a suppression effect from friendly fire if they are within 10 metres of the firer (to prevent unintended suppression of the friendly soldier next to you)
    - Slightly reduced the chance of an engine fire starting from a regular shell hit (as opposed to a shaped charge round, which is still a high chance)
    - Drastically reduced the length of time vehicle engines can burn before being destroyed
    - Tanks no longer catch fire when they hit low health - instead there is now a chance to ignite from any successful penetration
    - Hull fire duration is now more variable; it could be 5 seconds before detonation, it could be 45 seconds - will you risk it or run for it?
    - Tanks that are on fire now have flames coming out the commander and driver hatches to more easily differentiate them from those with simple engine fires
    - Added a new icon for death by burning vehicle
    - Binocs zoom magnification and FOV on all AT Guns is now the same as that for vehicle commanders
    - Increased Opel top speed to 42 kph
    - Decreased shell reload times for the M10 Achilles and Wolverine due to the open top nature of their turrets
    - Increased top speed on M5 Stuart slightly
    - Likelihood of tread damage is now based on gun caliber and amount of explosive filler in shell
    - Stug now carries the scissors scope for buttoned observation (not for direct fire)
    - Stug machine gun position must now unbutton to exit
    - Jagdpanther driver now uses the same unbutton scroll order as the Stug
    - Gunsights for Sherman 75, 76, and Firefly are now positioned on the correct side of the main gun
    - New, more historically accurate gunsight reticles for the Sherman 75mm and M10 Wolverine
    - Sherman 76mm model with muzzle brake now has less recoil than its non-braked counterpart
    - Panzer IV Ausf J now has manual turret traverse as it was historically
    - Higgins boat commander now uses same binoculars as other Allied vehicle commanders
    - Reduced amount of HVAP and APDS carried by Allied tanks

    - Plus the usual map fixes and balance tweaks!


    Durch die Macht der Wahrheit habe ich als Lebender das Universum erobert.


Jetzt mitmachen!

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Neue Bilder

  • Bolt Action Einsteiger Wehrmacht und Russen
  • Panzerjäger Elefant
  • Abandoned Farm
  • Character 3